December 1
- Agericus, bishop (of Verdun), confessor [GTZ: Metz, Verdun]
- Bibiana, virgin, martyr [6082]
- Candida, virgin [GTZ: Trier, Magdeburg]
- Candidus, martyr [GTZ: Salzburg]
- Cyriacus, bishop (of Five Churches), martyr [GTZ: Hungary]
- Chrysanthus and Daria, martyrs [GTZ: usually France and England]
- Domnolus, bishop (of LeMans) [GTZ: LeMans]
- Eligius, bishop (of Noyon), confessor [GTZ: Bremen, Cologne, Trier, France, one or more religious orders; HCC; PCP (Paris)]
- Florentia, virgin [GTZ: Poitiers]
- Florentinus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Tours]
- Leontius, bishop (of Fréjus), martyr [GTZ: Aix]
- Martin, bishop (of Tours), confessor (Translation (of his head)) [GTZ: Utrecht]
- Maurus, bishop (of Five Churches), martyr [GTZ: Hungary]
- Sabinus, Latinus and Exuperantius, martyrs [GTZ: Magdeburg]
December 2
- Bibiana, virgin, martyr [common]
- Candida, virgin, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Ethernan, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Flavitus [PCP (Paris)]
- Longinus, martyr (more often celebrated on Mar 15)
- Maurice, soldier, martyr (Reception of his arm) [GTZ: Angers]
- Severus and Severinus, brothers, martyrs [GTZ: Utrecht; HCC]
- Valeria, virgin, martyr (at Limoges) [GTZ: Paris only; PCP (Paris)]
- Victorinus and Fortunatus, martyrs [GTZ: Trier]
December 3
- Attala, virgin [GTZ: Strassburg]
- Birinus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: England, Lund]
- Cassianus, bishop (of Seben), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Brixen]
- Claudius and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Amiens; PCP (Paris), as Claudrien]
- Firminus, bishop (of Metz), confessor [GTZ: Metz, Verdun]
- Francis Xavier, priest [common]
- Lucius, king, confessor [GTZ: Chur, Sitten, Constance]
- Sola, hermit, confessor [GTZ: Eichstädt]
December 4
- Anno, bishop (of Cologne), confessor [GTZ: Cologne]
- Aper, priest, confessor [GTZ: Geneva, Grenoble]
- Barbara, virgin, martyr [common]
- Dionysius, bishop (of Paris), martyr [PCP (Paris): Notre Dame]
- Emerita, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Chur]
- Maximus, bishop (of Reji), confessor (Relatio) [GTZ: Thérouanne]
- Nicasius, bishop (of Reims), martyr [GTZ: Angers]
- Osmund, bishop (of Salisbury), confessor [common; PRI: England]
- Possessor and Firminus, bishops (of Verdun) [GTZ]
December 5
- Ambrose [PCP (Paris)]
- Anno, bishop (of Cologne), confessor [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Dalmatianus, confessor (sometimes martyr) [WTS (Bruges)]
- Racho, bishop (of Autun), confessor [GTZ: Autun]
- Sabas, abbot [common; GTZ: Prague, one or more religious orders]
December 6
- Nicholas, bishop, confessor [common; HCC, PCP (Paris), WTS (Bruges), 6082, in red]
December 7
- Ambrose, bishop, confessor, Doctor of the Church (Ordination and
Translation) [common; GTZ: one or more religious orders, Aquileia,
Trent; 6082, in red]
- Andrew (Octave) [HCC; PCP (Paris); WTS (Bruges)]
- Anianus, bishop (of Chartres) (Translation) [GTZ: Chartres]
- Babolen, abbot (of St.-Pierre-des-Fosses) (Translation) [GTZ: Paris]
- Fara, virgin (at Meaux) [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris), as Fare]
- Gerebold, bishop (of Bayeux) [GTZ: Bayeux]
- Savin [6082]
December 8
- Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Eucharius, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier, Mainz]
- Romaric, confessor [GTZ: Metz, Toul, Besançon]
- Zeno, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Salzburg]
December 9
- Anastasia, virgin (at Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
- Anne, Mother of Mary [GTZ: Sleswig, Scandinavia (since 1436)]
- Casaria, virgin [GTZ: Lebus]
- Cyprian, abbot [GTZ: Périgueux; PCP (Paris)]
- Gerontius, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Bordeaux]
- Innocent, pope [WTS (Bruges)]
- Joachim, confessor [GTZ: Basel, Chur, Constance]
- Leocadia, virgin, martyr [GTZ: southern France]
- Nectarius, confessor [GTZ: Clermont]
- Sebastian, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Soissons]
- Syrus, bishop (of Pavia), confessor [GTZ: one or more religious orders]
December 10
- Carpophorus and Abundantius, martyrs [GTZ: Minden]
- Eulalia, virgin, martyr (at Merida) [GTZ: Strassburg, Worms, France; PCP (Paris); 6082]
- Gausbert, bishop (of Cahors) [GTZ: Cahors]
- Joachim, confessor [GTZ: Lund]
- Melchiades, pope, martyr [GTZ; PRI]
- Nicasius, bishop (of Reims), martyr [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Sindulf, bishop (of Vienne), confessor [GTZ: Vienne]
- Valeria, virgin, martyr (at Limoges) [GTZ: France]
December 11
- Chlodulph, bishop (of Metz) [GTZ: Metz]
- Damasus (I), pope, confessor (sometimes martyr) [common]
- Fuscian, Victoricus and Gentian, martyrs [GTZ: Cambrai, Reims; PCP (Paris)]
- Paul, bishop (of Narbonne), confessor (Obitus) [GTZ: Narbonne]
December 12
- Corentinus, bishop (of Quimper) [GTZ: Tours]
- Nicasius [PCP (Paris)]
- Oubertus, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Valeric, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Utrecht, Reims, Tours]
December 13
- Apra, virgin [GTZ: Poitiers]
- Autbert, bishop (of Cambrai), confessor [GTZ: Magdeburg, Paderborn, Cambrai]
- Clare, virgin (sometimes martyr) [WTS (Bruges)]
- Eustace and companions [6082, in red]
- Gervase and Protase, martyrs (Translation) [GTZ: LeMans, Séez]
- Illidius, bishop (of Auvergne) (Translation) [GTZ: Clermont]
- Jodocus, priest, confessor [common]
- Lucy, virgin, martyr [common; 6082, in red]
- Magnus, count (of the Orkneys), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Norway, Scotland]
- Odilia, abbess, virgin [GTZ: Thüringen]
- Ursicinus, bishop (of Cahors) [GTZ: Cahors]
December 14
- Drostan, abbot [GTZ: Scotland]
- Eutropia, virgin (sister of Nicasius, bishop), martyr [GTZ: Reims]
- Folquinus, bishop (of Thérouanne), confessor [GTZ: Thérouanne]
- Fortunatus, bishop (of Poitiers) [GTZ: Poitiers]
- Nicasius, bishop (of Reims), martyr [HCC; WTS (Bruges), in red]
- Valerianus [PCP (Paris)]
- Zeno, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Agram]
December 15
- Anne, Mother of Mary [GTZ: Abo only]
- Judocus, confessor [WTS (Bruges)]
- Maximinus, abbot, confessor (at Orléans) [GTZ: Paris, Tours; HCC; PCP (Paris), as Mémin]
- Obertus, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Odilda [WTS (Bruges)]
- Valerianus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Hungary]
December 16
- Adelheidis, empress (virgin) [GTZ: Mainz, Augsburg, Basel, Besançon]
- Ananias, Azarias and Misael [GTZ]
- Barbara, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Geneva, Amiens, Angers, Langres]
- Candida, virgin [WTS (Bruges)]
- Memmius, bishop (of Châlons-sur-Marne), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Châlons-sur-Marne]
- Sapientia [PCP (Paris)]
- Valentine, bishop, confessor [HCC]
December 17
- Adelheidis, empress (virgin) [GTZ: Magdeburg, Strassburg]
- Ignatius, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Bremen, Salzburg, Trier, Hungary; HCC]
- John the Baptist (Reception of his face) [GTZ: Amiens]
- Lazarus, bishop (of Marseilles), martyr (sometimes confessor) [GTZ: Metz, Autun, Lyon; PCP (Paris)]
- Psalmodius, hermit [GTZ: Limoges]
December 18
- Agricola, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Alphea, virgin [WTS (Bruges)]
- Flauien [PCP (Paris)]
- Flavitus, confessor [GTZ: Sens]
- Florinus, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Trier]
- Gatian, bishop (of Tours), confessor [GTZ: Tours, Rouen]
- Manirus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Wunibald, abbot (at Eichstädt), confessor [GTZ: Eichstädt, Bamberg, Chur, Merseburg]
- Zosimas, monk, confessor [GTZ: Cologne, Stift Wunstorf]
December 19
- Avitus, priest, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Orléans, Sens]
- Gregory, bishop (of Auxerre), confessor [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Melchiades, pope [WTS (Bruges)]
- Severinus, martyr (sometimes bishop, confessor) [PCP (Paris); WTS (Bruges)]
December 20
- Ammon [PCP (Paris), as Emille]
- Mercurius, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Thecla, virgin [WTS (Bruges)]
- Thomas, apostle (Vigil) [HCC; 6082]
- Ursicinus, confessor [GTZ: Basel]
December 21
- Honoratus, bishop (of Toulouse) [GTZ: Toulouse]
- Thomas, apostle [common; HCC, PCP (Paris), WTS (Bruges), 6082, in red]
December 22
- Didymus, martyr [HCC]
- Ethernascus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Felix, pope [WTS (Bruges)]
- Gregory (of Spoleto), priest, martyr [GTZ: Cologne]
- Theodosia, virgin [WTS (Bruges)]
- Victoria [PCP (Paris), as Victor]
December 23
- Allocus, martyr [GTZ: Scotland]
- Bertin [PCP (Paris)]
- Caran, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Diaconanus, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Eugenia, virgin [WTS (Bruges)]
- Fotinus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Scotland]
- Gregory (of Spoleto), priest, martyr [GTZ: Trier; 6082]
- Hartmannus, bishop (of Brixen) [GTZ: Brixen]
- Mazota, virgin [GTZ: Scotland]
- Thorlac, bishop (of Skalholt, Iceland), confessor [GTZ: Norway]
- Victoria, virgin, martyr (at Rome) [common]
December 24
- Vigil of the Nativity of Christ
- Irmina, virgin (at Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
December 25
- Nativity of Christ
- Anastasia, virgin, martyr [common]
December 26
- Stephen, protomartyr [common]
December 27
- John, apostle, evangelist [common]
- Zoilus, confessor [GTZ: Aquileia]
December 28
- Holy Innocents, martyrs [common]
December 29
- Ebrulf, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Lisieux]
- Thomas (a Becket), bishop (of Canterbury), martyr [common; PCP (Paris), WTS (Bruges), in red]
- Trophimus, bishop (of Arles), martyr (sometimes only confessor) [GTZ: southern France]
- Ursinus, bishop (of Bourges), confessor [GTZ: Bourges]
December 30
- Columban, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- David, king [common]
- Perpetuus, bishop (of Tours), confessor [GTZ: Aachen, Tours; PCP (Paris), as Perpetue]
- Ursinus, bishop (of Bourges), confessor [GTZ: Rouen]
December 31
- Basil the Great, bishop [of Caesarea], confessor [GTZ: Reims]
- Columba, virgin (at Sens), martyr [GTZ: Strassburg, Basel, France; PCP (Paris)]
- Marius, bishop [GTZ: Lausanne]
- Sabinianus and Potentianus, bishops (of Sens), martyrs [GTZ: Sens]
- Silvester, pope (sometimes only bishop), confessor (sometimes martyr) [common; 6082, in red]
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