July 1
- Carileffus, priest [GTZ: Chartres, Rouen, Tours, Durham]
- Domitian, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
- Eparchius, priest (at Angoulême), confessor [GTZ: Angoulême, Saintes, Limoges]
- Gaius, pope, martyr [GTZ: Bamberg]
- Gall, bishop (of Clermont) [GTZ: Clermont]
- Golvinus, bishop (of Léon), confessor [GTZ: St. Pol de Léon]
- John the Baptist (Octave) [common; 6082, in red]
- Leonore, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris), as Lunaire]
- Leontius, bishop (of Autun), confessor [GTZ: Autun]
- Monegundis, virgin [GTZ: Liège]
- Rumold, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Liège, Cambrai, Scotland]
- Servanus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Sophia, widow, and daughters (Faith, Hope, and Charity), martyrs [GTZ: Freising, Minden, Sitten]
- Theobald, priest, confessor [GTZ: Mainz, Trier, Metz, Switzerland, France; PCP (Paris)]
- Theoderic (Thierry), abbot (of Mont d'Hor), confessor [GTZ: Reims]
July 2
- The Visitation
- Martial [PCP (Paris): Notre Dame]
- Monegundes, matron, recluse [GTZ: Tours]
- Processus and Martinianus, martyrs [common; HCC, without Martinianus]
- Swithun, bishop (of Winchester), confessor [GTZ: England, Norway; PRI: England]
July 3
- Appolin [PCP (Paris)]
- Marinus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Sleswig, Scandinavia]
- Raymond, confessor (at Toulouse) [GTZ: Toulouse]
- Sidronius, martyr [GTZ: Sens]
- Thomas, apostle (Translation) [common]
July 4
- Laurianus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Bourges]
- Martin, bishop (of Tours), confessor (Translation, Ordination) [HCC, PCP (Paris), in red; WTS (Bruges), sometimes in red]
- Othelric, bishop, confessor [GTZ]
- Procopius, abbot (at Prague), confessor [GTZ: Prague, Gnesen, Meissen]
- Ulric, bishop (of Augsburg) confessor [common]
July 5
- Antonio Maria Zaccaria, priest [common]
- Catherine, virgin, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Regensburg]
- Domitian (Donation, Dominic), bishop, confessor, or martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Dominica [PCP (Paris), as Dominic]
- Jacutus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Tours]
- Nicomedes, martyr [HCC]
- Numerianus, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Paul, bishop (of Sens) [GTZ: Sens]
- Wendelin, confessor [GTZ: Strassburg, Trier (Translation)]
July 6
- Fortunatus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Goar, priest, confessor (at Trier) [GTZ]
- Gudula, virgin (Translation) [GTZ: Brussels]
- Palladius, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Peter and Paul, apostles (Octave) [common; 6082, in red]
- Severus, bishop (of Avranches), confessor [GTZ: Avranches]
- Sexburgis, matron, abbess [GTZ: Winchester]
- Suitbert, bishop (of Verdun), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Cologne]
July 7
- Begga, widow [GTZ: Liège, Mons]
- Claudius and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Breslau, Lebus, northern France, Geneva]
- Domitian [WTS (Bruges)]
- Edelburga [PRI: England]
- Euphrosyne and Florentia, virgins [GTZ: Sleswig]
- Felix, bishop (of Nantes) [GTZ: Nantes]
- Hedda, monk (of St. Hilda's), bishop (of the West Saxons) [GTZ: England; PRI: England]
- Martialis, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Carmelites]
- Maternianus, bishop [GTZ: Bremen, Verdun, Minden]
- Natuitus, bishop (of Trier), martyr [GTZ: Trier]
- Nicostratus, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Peter, subdeacon [WTS (Bruges)]
- Thomas, bishop (of Canturbury), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: England, France; PCP (Paris)]
- Willebald, bishop (of Eichstädt), confessor [common]
July 8
- Aquila and Priscilla, martyrs [GTZ: Châlons-sur-Marne, Amiens]
- Auspicius, bishop (of Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
- Barbara (Translation) [HCC]
- Bosilus, abbot [GTZ: Durham]
- Claudius and companions [PCP (Paris)]
- Evodius, bishop (of Rouen), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Rouen]
- Grimbald, abbot, confessor [GTZ: England]
- Kiliam, bishop, and companions (Olman, priest, and Totnam, deacon), martyrs [common]
- Landrada, virgin [GTZ: Mons]
- Nummius, confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris), as Nom]
- Procopius, martyr [common; GTZ: Osnabrück]
- Quintinus, martyr (Invention) [GTZ: Angers, LeMans]
- Sunniva and companions, virgins [GTZ: Norway]
July 9
- Visitation (Octave)
- Agilulf, bishop (of Cologne), martyr [GTZ: Cologne]
- Brictius, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Cyril, bishop, and companions, martyrs [GTZ]
- Ephrem (the Deacon), confessor, Doctor of the Church [GTZ: northern France]
- Eleutherius, bishop (of Tournai), confessor (Elevation) [GTZ: Tournai]
- Everildis, virgin [GTZ: York]
- Heraclius, bishop (of Sens) [GTZ: Sens]
- Nicholas, bishop, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Salzburg only]
- Pavacius, bishop (of LeMans) (Translation) [GTZ: LeMans]
- Procopius, martyr [GTZ: Worms, Würzburg]
- Sevo (Gevo) [WTS (Bruges)]
- Sabinus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Kammin]
- Theobald, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris), as Thibault]
- Zeno, martyr [GTZ: Paris, Châlons-sur-Marne; PCP (Paris)]
July 10
- Amalberga, virgin [GTZ: Brandenburg, Flanders]
- Etto, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Mons]
- Felicitas, martyr [GTZ: Halberstadt, Hildesheim, Augsburg]
- Kanute, king, martyr [GTZ: Sleswig, Scandinavia]
- Maclovius, bishop (of St. Malo), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: St. Malo]
- Rufina and Secunda, martyrs [common; GTZ: Albi]
- The Seven Brothers (Januarius, Felix, Philip, Silvanus, Alexander,
Vitalis, and Martialis), martyrs [common; GTZ: Halberstadt, Hildesheim]
July 11
- Benedict, abbot (of Montecassino), confessor (Translation, Deposition) [common; WTS (Bruges), sometimes in red]
- Brictius, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Meissen]
- Faustinus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Kammin]
- Hyldulf, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Ketillus, confessor (sometimes martyr): [GTZ: Sleswig, Scandinavia]
- Pius (I), pope, martyr [GTZ: Bamberg, one or more religious orders; PRI]
- Placidus and Sigisbert [GTZ: Chur]
- Procopius, abbot (at Prague), confessor [GTZ: Dominicans]
- Sabinus, confessor [GTZ: Poitiers]
July 12
- Amator, bishop (of Auxerre), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Cletus (and Marcellinus), popes, martyrs [GTZ: Liège]
- Hermagoras and Fortunatus, martyrs [GTZ: Salzburg, Osnabrück, Paderborn, France, Aquileia]
- John Gualbert, abbot, confessor [common]
- Margaret, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Salzburg and Suffragane]
- Menulf, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Bourges]
- Nabor and Felix, martyrs [common]
- Prejectus, bishop, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Noyon]
- Sixtus [PCP (Paris)]
- Viventiolus, bishop (of Lyon), confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
July 13
- Anacletus, pope, martyr [GTZ: southern France, Franciscans; PRI]
- Henry, emperor, confessor [common]
- Margaret, virgin, martyr [common]
- Mildrada, abbess, virgin [GTZ: Utrecht, Exeter]
- Silas, apostle [GTZ: northern France]
- Thuriaf, bishop (of Dol), confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris), as Curien]
- Willehad, bishop (of Bremen), confessor (Ordination) [GTZ: Bremen]
July 14
- Amelberga, virgin [WTS (Bruges)]
- Bonaventure, bishop, confessor, Doctor of the Church [common]
- Camillus de Lellis, priest, confessor [common]
- Cyprian, martyr (at Poitiers) [GTZ: Poitiers]
- Exuperius, bishop (of Bayeux) (Translation) [GTZ: Bayeux]
- Phocas, bishop, martyr [GTZ: France; 6082]
- Henry, emperor, confessor [GTZ: Gnesen, Magdeburg]
- Justus, confessor (at Trier, or Bourges) [GTZ: Trier, Bourges, Sens]
- Landericus, bishop (of Séez) [PCP (Paris)]
- Lupus, bishop (of Bayeux) (Translation) [GTZ: Bayeux]
- Maldegar, confessor [GTZ: Cambrai]
- Sisinnius and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Chur]
- Vigor, bishop (of Bayeux) (Translation) [GTZ: Bayeux]
- Vincent, confessor [GTZ: Cambrai]
July 15
- Division of the Apostles
- Benedict, bishop (of Angers), confessor [GTZ: Angers]
- Bertin, monk (at Luxeuil) [PCP (Paris)]
- Ciriaca and Juliata, martyrs [6082]
- David, abbot [GTZ: Upsala only]
- Quiricus and Julitta, martyrs [GTZ: Teutonic Knights, Geneva, Trent, Italy, Russia; 6082]
- Gumpert, confessor [GTZ: Würzburg]
- Margaret, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Basel, Chur, Constance, Strassburg]
- Nine virgins [GTZ: Scotland]
- Plechelm, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Utrecht]
- Reginswindis, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Würzburg]
- Rivalus, confessor [GTZ: Tréguier]
- Swithun, bishop (of Winchester), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: England]
- Vedast, bishop (of Arras) (Relatio) [GTZ: Cambrai]
July 16
- Alexius [PCP (Paris)]
- Andrew and Benedict, martyrs [GTZ: Gnesen, Agram]
- Anthony, bishop (of Carpentras) [GTZ: Rodez]
- Bertin, abbot, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Tournai]
- Domninus, martyr [GTZ: Puy]
- Eustace, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Arles, Autun]
- Generosus, confessor [GTZ: Poitiers, Luçon]
- Gondulf and Monulf, bishops, confessors [GTZ: Liège]
- Helerius, martyr [GTZ: Coutances]
- Hilary, bishop [HCC]
- Hilarinus, martyr (sometimes confessor) [GTZ: Magdeburg, Ratzeburg, Gnesen, Amiens, Arras, Beauvais]
- Justinian, confessor [GTZ: Limoges]
- Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel [common]
- Monulph and Gondulph, bishops (of Tongres), confessors [GTZ: Liège; WTS (Bruges), without Gondulph]
- Osmund, bishop (of Salisbury), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Salisbury]
- Swithun, bishop (of Winchester), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Norway, one or more religious orders]
- Tenenanus, bishop (of Léon), confessor [GTZ: St. Pol de Léon]
- Valentine, bishop (of Trier), martyr [GTZ: Trier]
July 17
- Alexius, confessor [common; 6082, in red]
- Andrew and Benedict, martyrs [GTZ: Hungary]
- Fredegaudus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Liège]
- Kenelmus, king, martyr [GTZ: England; PRI: England]
- Marina, virgin, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Venice]
- Quiricus and Julitta, martyrs [GTZ: Augsburg]
- Piatus, bishop (of Tournai) [PCP (Paris)]
- Speratus and companions (the Sicilian Martyrs), martyrs [GTZ: Paderborn, Verdun, France]
- Theodosius, bishop (of Auxerre) [GTZ: Auxerre]
July 18
- Ansuerus and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Ratzeburg, Schwerin, Lübeck, Sleswig]
- Aquilinus, bishop (of Evreux), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Evreux]
- Arnulph, bishop (of Metz, Soissons), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Metz, Toul, Verdun; PCP (Paris)]
- Arnulph, bishop (of Tours), martyr [GTZ: predominantly northern Germany, France and England]
- Blasius, bishop, martyr (sometimes confessor) (Translation) [GTZ]
- Bruno, bishop (of Segni), confessor [GTZ: Tournai]
- Clarus, priest (sometimes bishop), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Rouen]
- Eadburga, virgin (Translation) [GTZ: Winchester]
- Euphrosyne and Florentia, virgins [GTZ: Lund]
- Frederick, bishop (of Utrecht), martyr [GTZ: Utrecht; HCC]
- Henry, emperor, confessor [GTZ: Augsburg]
- Justin and Stateus, martyrs [GTZ: Worms]
- Justus, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Mammas, martyr [GTZ: Freising]
- Maternus, bishop (of Milan) [GTZ: Basel, Chur, Constance, Strassburg]
- Nicholas, bishop, confessor (Ordination) [GTZ: Amiens]
- Symphorosa and her seven sons, martyrs [common; GTZ: Trier, France, one or more religious orders]
- Theneva, mother of Kentigern [GTZ: Scotland]
July 19
- Arsenius, abbot (sometimes only monk), confessor [common]
- Christine, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Augsburg, Freising, Paderborn]
- Justa and Rufina, martyrs [GTZ: southern France]
- Justine [PCP (Paris), as Just]
- Margaret, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Lausanne, Sitten]
- Martin, bishop (of Trier), martyr [GTZ: Trier]
- Rufina, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Metz, France]
July 20
- Arbogast, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Chur, Mainz, Worms]
- Elias, prophet [GTZ: Hungary, Russia]
- Euspicius, confessor [GTZ: Orléans]
- Margaret (of Antioch), virgin, martyr [common; GTZ: Aquileia, Geneva,
France (with exceptions), Italy, Scandinavia (except Finland), England]
- Marinus, priest, confessor [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Severa, virgin (at Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
- Severinus, bishop, confessor [6082, in red]
- Thorlac, bishop, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Norway]
- Wulmar, abbot (of Samer), confessor [GTZ: Cambrai, Reims, Winchester]
July 21
- Arbogast, bishop (of Strasburg), confessor [GTZ: Basel, Constance, Strassburg]
- Julia, virgin, martyr (at Troyes) [GTZ: Troyes]
- Praxedis, virgin, martyr [common]
- Serenedus, confessor [GTZ: Angers]
- Victor (of Marseilles), and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Trier, southern France; PCP (Paris)]
July 22
- Cyril, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Brixen, Speyer]
- Florentius and Sisinnius, martyrs [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Lupus, bishop (of Sens), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Sens]
- Mary Magdalene [common; HCC, PCP (Paris), WTS (Bruges), in red]
- Meneleus, abbot (in Auvergne) [GTZ: Bourges, Clermont]
- Theodosia, virgin [GTZ: Châlons-sur-Marne]
- Wandregisil, abbot (of Fontenelle), confessor [GTZ: northern France, England, Scotland, Norway; PCP (Paris)]
July 23
- Apollinaris, bishop (of Ravenna), martyr [common; 6082, in red]
- Birgitta, widow (Obitus, natale) [GTZ: Bamberg, Mainz, Münster, Riga]
- Cassianus, abbot [GTZ: Marseille]
- Liborius, bishop (of LeMans), confessor [GTZ: northern Germany]
- Nabor and Felix, martyrs (Translation) [GTZ: Cologne]
- Nicasius, bishop (of Reims), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Reims]
- Ravennus and Rasiphus, martyrs (at Bayeux) [GTZ: Bayeux]
- Three Kings (Translation) [GTZ: Cologne]
July 24
- Christina, virgin, martyr [common]
- James, apostle (Vigil) [HCC; 6082]
- Pavacius, bishop (of LeMans) [GTZ: Paderborn, LeMans, Sens]
- Segolena, widow [GTZ: Metz, Albi]
- Turibius and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Paderborn]
- Ursicinus, bishop (of Sens), confessor [GTZ: Sens]
July 25
- Chlodesindis, virgin [GTZ: Metz, Liège]
- Christopher, martyr [GTZ: in the fifteenth century often moved, usually to Jul 27; PCP (Paris), WTS (Bruges), in red]
- Cucufas, martyr [GTZ: England, one or more religious orders; PCP (Paris)]
- Ebrulf, abbot (at Beauvais) [GTZ: Beauvais]
- Germanus, bishop (of Paris), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Paris, LeMans; PCP (Paris)]
- James (the Great), apostle [common]
- Julian, bishop (of LeMans), confessor (sometimes martyr) (Translation) [GTZ: LeMans, Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Magnericus, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Rusticus (and Florentius), martyrs [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Ursus, bishop (of Troyes) [GTZ: Troyes]
July 26
- Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary [common]
- Beatus, confessor (at Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
- Eobanus, (sometimes bishop), martyr [GTZ: Mainz]
- Etherius, bishop (of Auxerre), confessor [GTZ: Sens]
- Exuperius, bishop (of Bayeux) [GTZ: Bayeux only]
- Hycinthus, martyr [GTZ: Osnabrück, Utrecht; HCC]
- Jodocus, priest, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Amiens]
- Lupus, bishop (of Troyes), confessor [GTZ: Sens only]
- Marcellus, bishop (of Paris), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Pastor, priest, confessor [GTZ: one or more religious orders]
- Rheticius, bishop (of Autun), confessor [GTZ: Autun]
- Symphronius and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Meaux, Senlis]
July 27
- Birgitta, widow (Obitus, natale) [GTZ: Ratzeburg]
- Celsus, a boy, martyr [GTZ: Speyer]
- Charlemagne, emperor (Translation) [GTZ: Aachen]
- Desideratus, bishop (of Besançon) [GTZ: Besançon]
- Etherius, bishop (of Auxerre), confessor [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Felix, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Carcassonne]
- Frominius, bishop (of Metz) [GTZ: Metz]
- Hermolaus, priest, martyr [GTZ]
- Joachim, confessor [GTZ: Praemonstrensians]
- Martha, host of Christ [GTZ: Scandinavia]
- Pantaleon, martyr [PRI]
- Paul, bishop (of Narbonne), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Narbonne]
- Seven Sleepers (Maximian, Malchus, Martinian, Dionysius, John,
Serapion, and Constantine), martyrs [GTZ: France, England,
Scandinavia, Hungary; PCP (Paris)]
- Transfiguration [PCP (Paris)]
July 28
- Anne [PCP (Paris), in red]
- Botwid, martyr [GTZ: Scandinavia]
- Camelianus (Himerius), bishop (of Troyes) [GTZ: Troyes]
- Columba, virgin (at Sens), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Sens]
- Nazarius and Celsus, martyrs [common; GTZ: Switzerland, France, one or more religious orders; 6082, in red]
- Pantaleon, martyr [common]
- Peregrinus, priest, confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
- Samson, bishop (of Dol), confessor [common; GTZ: northern France, England, Scotland; PRI: England]
- Seven Sleepers, martyrs [GTZ: Gnesen]
- Ursus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Tours]
- Victor and Innocent, popes, martyrs [GTZ: one or more religious orders; PRI (without Innocent)]
July 29
- Domnius, bishop (of Salona), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Spalato]
- Eugeus, king [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Felix, pope, and companions (Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice), martyrs [common]
- Ladislas, king, confessor (Deposition) [GTZ: Hungary]
- Lupus, bishop (of Troyes), confessor [GTZ: Cologne, Constance, Metz, France; PCP (Paris)]
- Martha, host of Christ [common]
- Olaf, king (of Norway), martyr [GTZ: Sleswig, Scandinavia]
- Pantaleon [PCP (Paris)]
- Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice, martyrs [common]
- Suliavus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: St. Pol de Léon]
- William, bishop (of Brieuc), confessor [GTZ: Brittany]
July 30
- Abdon and Sennen, martyrs [common]
- Helena (of Skoefde), widow, martyr [GTZ: Skara only]
- Ursus, bishop (of Auxerre), confessor [GTZ: Auxerre]
July 31
- Banthus, confessor (at Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
- Germanus, bishop (of Auxerre), confessor [GTZ; HCC; WTS (Bruges); PCP (Paris)]
- Ignatius Loyola, priest, confessor [common]
- Neotus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: England]
- Tertullinus, priest, martyr [GTZ: Salzburg]
On to August, back to list of months, or return Home.