June 1
- Clarus, bishop (of Lectoure) [GTZ: southern France]
- Faustinus and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Magdeburg, Halberstadt]
- Florus, bishop (of Lodève), confessor (Translation?) [GTZ: Clermont]
- Jovinus, abbot (at Poitiers) [GTZ: Poitiers]
- Justin, martyr [common]
- Maianus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Béziers]
- Medulf, bishop (of Auvergne), confessor [GTZ: Clermont]
- Nicomedes, martyr [common]
- Reverianus and Paul, martyrs (at Autun) [GTZ: Autun]
- Ronanus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Brittany]
- Simeon, confessor (at Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
June 2
- Adalgisus, abbot [GTZ: Laon]
- Erasmus, bishop, martyr (sometimes confessor) [common; GTZ: Augustinians, Benedictines, Franciscans; 6082, in red]
- Peter and Marcellinus, martyrs [common; WTS (Bruges), without Peter; PCP (Paris), as Mathurin]
- Photinus, bishop, (and companions), martyrs [GTZ: Lyon]
June 3
- Celestinus, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Chlothildis, queen (of France) [GTZ: Soissons]
- Erasmus, bishop, martyr (sometimes only confessor) [GTZ; HCC]
- Genesius, bishop (in Auvergne) [GTZ: Clermont]
- Hilarius, bishop (of Carcassonne), confessor [GTZ: Narbonne]
- Lifard, priest, abbot [GTZ: Paris, Reims, Sens, Tours; PCP (Paris)]
- Morandus, confessor [GTZ: Basel]
- Pergentinus and Laurentinus, martyrs [GTZ: Magdeburg, Metz, Hungary]
June 4
- Afra, virgin, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Augsburg]
- Cyprian, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Ninnoc, virgin, abbess [GTZ: Vannes]
- Panthalin [PCP (Paris)]
- Petroc, hermit, abbot, confessor [GTZ: England]
- Quirinus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Amiens, Aquileia, Trier, Hungary]
June 5
- Boniface, bishop (of Mayence), and companions, martyrs [common; HCC, in red; PRI: England]
- Illidius, bishop (of Clermont) [GTZ: Clermont]
June 6
- Agobard, bishop (of Lyon), martyr [GTZ: Lyon]
- Aldric, bishop (of Sens), confessor [GTZ: Sens]
- Artemius and family, martyrs [GTZ: Trier, Aix, Amiens]
- Bertrand, bishop (of LeMans) (Translation) [GTZ: LeMans]
- Bonitus, bishop (of Auvergne), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Clermont]
- Claudius, bishop (of Besançon), confessor [GTZ: Switzerland, Metz, southern France]
- Colmoc, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Gudwal, bishop (of St. Malo), confessor [GTZ: St. Malo]
- Norbert, bishop (of Magdeburg), confessor [common]
- Philip (the Deacon) [GTZ: Teutonic Knights, Langres]
- Pontius [PCP (Paris)]
- Vincent, bishop, martyr (sometimes only confessor) [GTZ: Gnesen, Magdeburg]
June 7
- Fortunatus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Godoald, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Sens]
- Luciana, virgin, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Maximinus, bishop (of Aix), confessor [GTZ: Aix]
- Paul, bishop (of Constantinople), martyr [GTZ: Trier, Amiens, Tours]
- Procopius [PCP (Paris), as Proces]
- Robert, abbot (of Chichester) [PRI: England]
- Servatius, bishop, confessor (sometimes martyr) (Translation) [GTZ: Liège, Utrecht]
- Wulstan, bishop (of Worcester), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: England]
June 8
- Audomar, bishop (of Thérouanne), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: St. Omer]
- Elphege, bishop, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: England]
- Gildard, bishop (of Rouen), confessor [GTZ: Metz, France, England; PCP (Paris)]
- Marius, hermit [GTZ: Clermont]
- Medard, bishop (of Noyon), confessor [common]
- Sabinianus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Puy]
- Syria, virgin (at Troyes) [GTZ: Troyes]
- Trojecia, virgin (at Rodez) [GTZ: Rodez]
- William, bishop (of York), confessor [GTZ: England; PRI: England]
June 9
- Alexander, martyr [GTZ: Russia]
- Columba, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Edmund, bishop (of Canturbury), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: England]
- Liborius, bishop (of LeMans), confessor [GTZ: LeMans]
- Primus and Felicianus, martyrs [common]
June 10
- Amantius, martyr [GTZ: Metz]
- Anianus, bishop (of Chartres) [GTZ: Chartres]
- Censurius, bishop (of Auxerre) [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Evremundus, abbot [GTZ: Senlis]
- Fortunatus, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Getulius, (Amancius, and Cerealus), martyrs [GTZ: Trier]
- Jodocus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Liège]
- Landericus, bishop (of Paris), confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Landoald, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Margaret, queen (of Scotland) [PRI: England]
- Maurinus, abbot, martyr [GTZ: Cologne]
- Onuphrius, hermit, confessor [GTZ: Augsburg]
June 11
- Barnabas, apostle, martyr [common; PCP (Paris), WTS (Bruges), 6082, in red]
- Onuphrius, hermit, confessor [GTZ: Basel, Freising, Worms]
- Reimbert, bishop (of Bremen), confessor [GTZ: Bremen]
June 12
- Basilides, Quirinus, Nabor and Nazarius (and Celsus), martyrs [common; PCP (Paris), as Basille]
- Cunera [HCC]
- Eskill, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Scandinavia]
- Nabor and Nazarius, martyrs [GTZ: St. Avold]
- Odulph, confessor [GTZ: Cologne; HCC, in red]
- Pharaildis, virgin [GTZ: Artois]
- Rufus, bishop, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Ternan, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Ursinus, bishop (of Bourges), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Rouen]
June 13
- Agricius, bishop (of Sens), confessor [GTZ: Sens]
- Anthony (of Padua), priest, confessor, Doctor of the Church [common; GTZ: Franciscans]
- Felicola, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Cologne, Trier, Worms, France]
- Landoald, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Bruges]
- Leo (III), pope [PCP (Paris)]
- Onuphrius, hermit, confessor [GTZ: Constance, Mainz]
- Ragnobert, martyr [GTZ: Lyon]
- Valerian, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Valericus, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
June 14
- Anianus, bishop (of Orléans), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: France]
- Basil (the Great), bishop (of Caesarea), confessor [common; WTS (Bruges), in red]
- Eliseus, prophet [GTZ: Carmelites]
- Etherius, bishop (of Vienne) [GTZ: Vienne]
- Mansuetus, bishop (of Toul), confessor (with Remacle) (Translation) [GTZ: Toul]
- Protus, martyr [GTZ: Aquileia]
- Rigobert, bishop (of Reims), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Reims]
- Rufinus and Valerius, martyrs (at Soissons) [GTZ: Bremen,
Paderborn, France; HCC, without Rufinus; PCP (Paris), as Valerien]
- Rusticus, martyr [GTZ: Trier]
June 15
- Abraham, confessor [GTZ: Clermont]
- Eadburga, virgin [GTZ: England; PRI: England]
- Ferreolus, priest (sometimes bishop, confessor) [WTS (Bruges)]
- Florus [PCP (Paris)]
- Landelin, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Cambrai]
- Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, martyrs [common; HCC, without Crescentia]
June 16
- Aurelianus, bishop (of Arles), confessor [GTZ: Arles]
- Aureus and Justina, martyrs [GTZ: Mainz, Cologne, Trier; HCC]
- Benno, bishop [GTZ: Meissen]
- Elzearus, count (of Arian), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Apt]
- Ferreolus, priest, and Ferrutius, deacon, martyrs (at Besançon) [GTZ: Metz, Geneva, Lausanne, Fritzlar, France; PCP (Paris)]
- Leguntius and Frominius, bishops (of Metz) [GTZ: Metz]
- Martialis, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Domininicans]
- Quiricus and Julitta, martyrs [GTZ; PCP (Paris)]
- Quirinus, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Freising]
- Richard, bishop (of Chichester), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Salisbury]
- Verolus, priest, confessor [GTZ: Langres]
- Vitus and Modestus, martyrs [WTS (Bruges)]
- William, abbot (at Roskild), confessor [GTZ: Sleswig, Scandinavia]
June 17
- Antidius, bishop (of Besançon), martyr [GTZ: Besançon]
- Apollinaris, bishop (of Valence), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Valence]
- Arsacius, bishop, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Freising]
- Avitus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Trier, France; PCP (Paris)]
- Botulph, abbot, confessor (and Adulph) [GTZ: Scandinavia, England, Sleswig; PCP (Paris)]
- Cyria and Musca, virgins [GTZ: Aquileia]
- Five Saints, martyrs [GTZ: Hildesheim]
- Gundulf, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Bourges, Sens]
- Herveus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Brittany]
- Nectanus, martyr [GTZ: Exeter]
- Nicander and Marcian, martyrs [6082, in red]
- Quiriacus, bishop (of Jerusalem), martyr [GTZ: Bremen; WTS (Bruges), with Julitta]
- Romanus, bishop (of Rouen), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Rouen]
- Veredemus, bishop (of Avignon) [GTZ: Arles]
June 18
- Autbert, bishop (of Avranches), confessor [GTZ: Avranches]
- Fortunatus, bishop [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Henry, bishop (of Uppsala), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Abo]
- Marcus and Marcellianus, martyrs [common; WTS (Bruges), without Marcus]
- Marina, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
June 19
- Deodatus, bishop (of Nevers), confessor [GTZ: Nevers, Toul]
- Gervasius and Protasius, martyrs [common; 6082, in red]
- Margaret, queen (of Scotland) (Translation) [GTZ: Scotland]
- Romuald, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Camaldoensians]
June 20
- Bain, bishop (of Thérouanne) [common]
- Crispinus and Crispinianus, martyrs [GTZ: Winchester (Passion); Osnabrück (Translation)]
- Crispinus and Vitalis, martyrs [GTZ: Metz, Verdun, Lyon]
- Deodatus, bishop (of Nevers), confessor [GTZ: Basel, Strassburg]
- Edward, king (of England), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: England]
- Gemma, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Saintes]
- Genulf, bishop (of Cahors), confessor [GTZ: Albi, Bourges]
- Latuinus, bishop (of Séez) [GTZ: Séez]
- Leotfredus (Leufredus) [PCP (Paris)]
- Maximinus, bishop (of Tongres [and Trier]), martyr [GTZ: Trier]
- Regina, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Paderborn only; HCC]
- Silverius, pope, martyr [GTZ: one or more religious orders; PRI]
- Stephen, protomartyr (Translation) [GTZ: Châlons-sur-Marne]
- Vitalis, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
June 21
- Alban, martyr [GTZ; WTS (Bruges)]
- Aloysius Gonzaga, confessor [common]
- Eusebius, bishop (of Caesaria), confessor [GTZ: Sens]
- Florence [PCP (Paris), as Florent]
- Leufred, abbot (at Evreux), confessor [GTZ: England, Paris, Rouen, Norway; PCP (Paris)]
- Mevennus, abbot [GTZ: Brittany]
June 22
- Aaron, monk [GTZ: St. Malo]
- Achatius and ten thousand companions, martyrs [GTZ: Salzburg, France]
- Alban, martyr (protomartyr of England) [GTZ: England, Scotland, Skandinavia, France; PRI: England]
- Albinus, martyr [GTZ: Cologne, Trier]
- Consortia, virgin [GTZ: Cluny, Arles, Lyon]
- James, (the Less), apostle [GTZ]
- John Fisher, bishop, martyr [common]
- Julian (Levite), martyr [GTZ: Augsburg, Chur, Freising, Strassburg]
- Paulinus, bishop (of Nola), confessor [common; GTZ: Mainz, one or more religious orders, France; 6082, in red]
- Riquardus, martyr (sometimes bishop, confessor) [WTS (Bruges)]
- Rotrudis, virgin [GTZ: Tournai, St. Andrews]
- Ten thousand martyrs [GTZ; HCC]
June 23
- Avitus, priest, confessor [GTZ: Metz]
- Etheldreda, virgin [GTZ; PRI: England (as queen)]
- Ediltrudis, virgin [GTZ: Trier]
- John the Baptist (Vigil of Nativity) [common]
June 24
- Agoard and Agilbert, martyrs [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- John the Baptist (Nativity) [common]
- Patroclus, martyr (Portatio) [GTZ: Soest]
June 25
- Adalbert, monk, confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Amandus and Domnolenus, confessors [GTZ: Limoges, Périgueux]
- David, abbot [GTZ: Scandinavia]
- Eligius, bishop (of Noyon), confessor (Translation (but not always called such)) [GTZ: Salzburg, Chur, Meissen, Metz, France; PCP (Paris);
WTS (Bruges), in red]
- Emilianus, bishop (of Nantes), martyr [GTZ: Nantes]
- Fridolinus, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Switzerland]
- Gallicanus, martyr [GTZ: Regensburg, France]
- Iterius, bishop (of Nevers), confessor [GTZ: Nevers]
- Kanute, duke [of Sleswig], martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Sleswig, Scandinavia]
- Lebuinus, confessor [GTZ: Utrecht (Translation); HCC, in red]
- Moloc, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Pecinna, virgin [GTZ: Poitiers]
- Radbod, bishop, confessor (Translation (of Lebwin and Radbod)) [GTZ: Utrecht]
- Saturninus, bishop (of Toulouse), martyr [GTZ: Toulouse, Narbonne (Translation); Limoges (Revelation)]
- Severa, virgin [GTZ: Paderborn]
- Simplicius, bishop (of Autun), confessor [GTZ: Autun]
- Vindicianus, bishop (of Cambrai), confessor [GTZ: Cambrai]
June 26
- Babolen, abbot (of St.-Pierre-des-Fosses) [GTZ: Paris]
- Hilarius, bishop (of Poitiers), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Poitiers]
- John and Paul, martyrs [common; 6082, in red]
- Leo (II), pope [PCP (Paris)]
- Maxentius, bishop (of Poitiers), confessor [GTZ: Poitiers]
- Salvius, martyr [GTZ: Cambrai]
- Vigilius, bishop (of Trent), martyr [GTZ: Trent]
June 27
- Crispinus and Crispinianus, martyrs (Translation) [GTZ: Metz]
- Florentinus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Tours]
- Fuscian, Victoricus and Gentian, martyrs (Invention) [GTZ: Amiens]
- Hilary (Hilarinus), martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Ireneus and companions, martyrs (at Lyon) [GTZ: Aix, Narbonne]
- Ladislas (I), king (of Hungary), confessor [GTZ: Hungary, Gnesen]
- John and Paul [PCP (Paris)]
- Poma, virgin [GTZ: Châlons-sur-Marne]
- Seven Sleepers, martyrs [GTZ: Mainz, Cologne, Bremen, Magdeburg, Trier; HCC]
- Visitation [PCP (Paris): Notre Dame]
- Wenceslas, king, martyr (Recollection of his bones) [GTZ: Prague]
June 28
- Benignus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Utrecht]
- Irenaeus, bishop (of Lyon), and companions, martyrs (at Lyon) [common; GTZ: Lyon, and elsewhere]
- Leo (II), pope, confessor [common]
- Lupercius, martyr [GTZ: Auch]
- Peter and Paul (Vigil) [common]
June 29
- Peter and Paul, apostles [common]
June 30
- Bertrand, bishop (of LeMans) [GTZ: LeMans]
- Erintrudis, virgin [GTZ: Salzburg]
- Martial, bishop (of Limoges) [PCP (Paris)]
- Paul, apostle (Commemoration) [common; 6082, in red]
On to July, back to list of months, or return Home.