November 1
- All Saints [common]
- Cesarius, martyr [common; 6082, in red]
- Genesius, bishop (of Lyon), confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
November 2
- All Souls [common]
- Benignus, martyr (at Dijon) [GTZ: Augsburg, France (often moved to Nov 1)]
- Eustace and companions, martyrs [GTZ: sometimes moved to Nov 3]
- Justus, martyr [GTZ: Aquileia]
- Martiana, virgin (at Albi) [GTZ: Carcassonne]
- Naamatius, deacon (at Rodez) [GTZ: Rodez]
- Valentine and Hilary [6082]
- Victorinus and Florian, martyrs [GTZ: Münster, southern France (without Florian)]
November 3
- Austremonius, bishop (of Clermont) [GTZ: Clermont]
- Edith, virgin (at Winchester) (Translation) [GTZ: Winchester]
- Englacius, abbot [GTZ: Scotland]
- Firmus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Lausanne]
- Gobrianus, bishop (of Vanne) [GTZ: Vannes]
- Guenaelus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Brittany, Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Hubert, bishop (of Liège), confessor [GTZ: Cologne, Trier, Mainz, Cambrai, Reims; HCC]
- Innumerable Martyrs [WTS (Bruges)]
- Marcellus, bishop (of Paris), confessor [GTZ: northern France; PCP (Paris), in red]
- Marianus, martyr [GTZ: Verdun]
- Papulus, priest, martyr [GTZ: Toulouse]
- Pirminius, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Mainz, Trier]
- Vigor, bishop (of Bayeux) [GTZ: Bayeux, Senlis]
- Vincent, bishop, martyr (sometimes only confessor) (Invention) [GTZ: Breslau]
- Winifred, virgin, martyr [GTZ: England; PRI: England]
November 4
- Agricola and Vitalis, martyrs [GTZ: Aquileia only; PRI]
- Amantius, bishop (of Rodez), confessor [GTZ: Metz, Liège, southern France]
- Baomir, abbot [GTZ: Senlis]
- Birstan, bishop (of Winchester), confessor [GTZ: Winchester]
- Charles Borromeo, bishop (of Milan) [common]
- Clarus, priest (sometimes bishop), martyr [GTZ: Geneva, Rouen; PCP (Paris), as Clerc]
- Eustace, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Florus, bishop (of Lodève), confessor [GTZ: southern France, Cluniacs]
- Lusor, confessor [GTZ: Bourges]
- Modesta, virgin (at Trier) [GTZ: Trier; HCC]
- Proculus, bishop (of Autun), martyr [GTZ: Autun]
- Valentine, martyr [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Vitalis and Agricola, martyrs [GTZ: Aquileia]
November 5
- Clarus, priest (sometimes bishop), martyr [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Emericus, duke [GTZ: Hungary]
- Felix, priest, and Eusebius, martyrs [GTZ: Worms; HCC, without Eusebius]
- Fibicius, bishop (of Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
- Gonsald, hermit [GTZ: Limoges]
- Guirandus, bishop (of Béziers), confessor [GTZ: Béziers]
- Letus, priest, confessor [GTZ: Paris, Sens; PCP (Paris)]
- Malachi, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Cistercians]
- Martiana, virgin (at Albi) [GTZ: Albi]
- Winnoc, abbot [WTS (Bruges)]
November 6
- Gregory, bishop (of Tours) (Translation) [GTZ: Tours]
- Gregory, bishop (of Langres) (Translation) [GTZ: Langres]
- Herculanus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Magdeburg, Ratzeburg]
- Illtyd, abbot, confessor [GTZ: St. Pol de Léon]
- Leonard, abbot, confessor (sometimes bishop, martyr) [common]
- Lupentius, confessor [GTZ: Tours]
- Melanius, bishop (of Rennes), confessor [GTZ: Metz, Tours]
- Nazarius and Celsus, martyrs (Advent) [GTZ: Autun]
- Prejectus, bishop, martyr (Exceptio corporis) [GTZ: Verdun]
- Protasius, bishop (of Lausanne), confessor [GTZ: Lausanne]
- Stephen, bishop (of Apt), confessor [GTZ: Apt]
- Winnoc, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Cambrai]
November 7
- Almar, bishop (of Senlis) [GTZ: Senlis]
- Amandinus, bishop (of Auvergne), confessor [GTZ: Clermont]
- Amaranthus, martyr [GTZ: Albi, Narbonne]
- Baldus, bishop (of Tours) [GTZ: Tours]
- Florentius, bishop (of Strassburg) [GTZ]
- Herculanus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Prosdocimus, bishop (of Padua), confessor [GTZ: Trent]
- Restitutus, bishop (of Trois-Châteaux), confessor [GTZ: southern France]
- Romanus, priest, confessor [GTZ: LeMans]
- Willibrord, bishop (of Utrecht), confessor [common; HCC, in red; PRI: England]
November 8
- Four Crowned martyrs [common]
- Gervadius, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Louis, bishop (of Toulouse), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Franciscans]
- Marcellus (Octave) [PCP (Paris)]
- Moroc, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Four Crowned Martyrs [GTZ; PCP (Paris); WTS (Bruges); 6082, in red]
- Suliavus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: St. Malo]
- Weomad, bishop (of Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
- Willehad, bishop (of Bremen), confessor [common]
November 9
- John, apostle; Dedication of St. John Lateran [common]
- Maturinus, priest, confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Ragenulf, martyr [GTZ: Arras]
- Theodore (Tyro), martyr [common]
- Ursinus, bishop (of Bourges), confessor [GTZ: Rouen (Revelation), Bourges (Translation)]
- Vito, bishop (of Verdun) [GTZ: Verdun]
- Willehad, bishop (of Bremen), confessor [GTZ: Schwerin]
November 10
- George, bishop (of Velay), confessor [GTZ: Puy]
- Justus, bishop (of Rochester, Canterbury) [PRI: England]
- Ludmilla, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Prague, Gnesen]
- Martin, pope, martyr [common]
- Maurus, bishop (of Verdun), confessor: [GTZ Metz, Verdun]
- Spatius, martyr (at Bayeux) [GTZ: Bayeux]
- Tiberius, Modestus and Florentia, martyrs (at Agde) [GTZ: southern France; PCP (Paris), as Tiburce]
- Tryphon, Respicius and Nympha, martyrs [GTZ: one or more religious orders, Châlons-sur-Marne]
- Veranus [PCP (Paris)]
November 11
- Bertuin, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Liège]
- Martin, bishop (of Tours), confessor [common; PCP (Paris), as Marin]
- Menas, martyr [common]
- Veranus, bishop (of Cavaillon), confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
November 12
- Arsacius, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Salzburg, Eichstädt]
- Cunibert, bishop (of Cologne), confessor [GTZ]
- Five Brothers (John and companions, Benedict and companions), martyrs [GTZ: Gnesen, Prague, Agram]
- Himerius, recluse, confessor [GTZ: Switzerland, France, Besançon]
- John pius, bishop (of Arles) [GTZ: Arles]
- Lebuinus, confessor [GTZ: Utrecht; HCC, in red]
- Leodegar, bishop (of Saintes) [GTZ: Saintes]
- Leonius, confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris), as Leon or Liène]
- Livinus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Magdeburg, Kammin, Lebus, Mainz, Ratzeburg, Cambrai, Scotland]
- Macarius, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Martin, pope, martyr [GTZ: southern France, one or more religious orders; PRI]
- Maxentia, widow (mother of Vigilius) (Translation) [GTZ: Trent]
- Medana, virgin [GTZ: Scotland]
- Renatus, bishop (of Angers) [GTZ: Metz, Angers]
- Rufus, bishop (of Avignon), confessor [GTZ: Avignon]
- Thyrgillus, martyr [GTZ: Norway]
- Thorkill, bishop [GTZ: Norway]
- Veranus, bishop (of Cavaillon), confessor [GTZ: Bourges]
November 13
- Amandus, bishop (of Rennes) [GTZ: Rennes]
- Brictius, bishop, confessor (sometimes martyr) [common; GTZ: France]
- Dalmatius, bishop (of Rodez) [GTZ: Rodez]
- Divinicus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Gendulf, bishop (of Paris), confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- John Chrysostom [6082]
- Maxellendis, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Cambrai]
- Mitrius, martyr (at Aix) [GTZ: Aix]
- Paternus, martyr (at Sens) [GTZ: Sens]
- Quintian, bishop (of Auvergne) [GTZ: Clermont]
- Veranus, bishop (of Cavaillon), confessor [GTZ: Aix, Arles, Paris]
November 14
- Bernard, abbot, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Cistercians]
- Clementine, martyr [GTZ: Trier]
- Erkenwold, bishop (of London), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Salisbury]
- Fridolinus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Paderborn]
- John Elemosynarius, confessor [GTZ: Gnesen]
- Lawrence, bishop (of Dublin), confessor [GTZ: Paris, Rouen]
- Maclovius [PCP (Paris)]
- Modanus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Paul, the first hermit, confessor (sometimes Paulinus) (Translation) [GTZ: Paulines]
- Philip, apostle [GTZ: Russia]
- Rufus, bishop (of Avignon), confessor [GTZ: southern France]
- Vindanus, confessor [GTZ: Chur]
November 15
- Ceronna, virgin [GTZ: Séez]
- Cessator, bishop (of Limoges) [GTZ: Limoges]
- Desiderius, bishop (of Cahors) [GTZ: Cahors]
- Eugenius, bishop (of Toledo), martyr (sometimes confessor) [GTZ: Liège, Paris, Soissons; PCP (Paris)]
- Faustus [PCP (Paris)]
- Lawrence, martyr (Advent) [GTZ: Merseburg]
- Leopold, marquis [of Austria], confessor [GTZ]
- Maclovius, bishop (of St. Malo), confessor [GTZ: England, Scotland, France; PCP (Paris), as Malo]
- Martin, monk, confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Paduinus, abbot [GTZ: LeMans]
- Secundinus, martyr [GTZ: Speyer]
- Vindanus, confessor [GTZ: Strassburg]
November 16
- Anianus [PCP (Paris)]
- Edmund, bishop (of Canturbury), confessor [GTZ: Cistercians, England; PRI: England]
- Emilianus, abbot [GTZ: Bordeaux]
- Eucherius, bishop (of Lyon), confessor [GTZ: southern France]
- Galla, virgin [GTZ: Valence]
- Gumbert, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Leonianus, abbot [GTZ: Arras]
- Margaret, queen (of Scotland) [GTZ: Scotland]
- Othmar, abbot (sometimes bishop) (at St. Gall), confessor [common]
- Tiburtius, confessor [WTS (Bruges)]
November 17
- Acisclus and Victoria, martyrs (at Cordova) [GTZ: southern France]
- Anianus, bishop (of Orléans), confessor [GTZ: Liège,
Switzerland, France, England, Scotland, one or more religious orders;
PCP (Paris)]
- Arnulph, bishop (of Toul), confessor [GTZ: Toul]
- Augustine and Felicity, martyrs [GTZ: Sens]
- Florinus, confessor [GTZ: Chur, Trier, Salzburg]
- Gregory, bishop (of Tours) [GTZ: France]
- Gregory Thaumaturgus, bishop [PRI; 6082, in red]
- Hugo, bishop (of Lincoln), confessor [GTZ: England, Scotland, Carthusians; PRI: England]
- Maudetus [PCP (Paris)]
- Othmar, confessor [WTS (Bruges)]
November 18
- Aude, virgin [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Fergusian, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Martin (Octave) [common]
- Maudetus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Brittany]
- Peter and Paul, apostles; Dedication of St. Peter's and St. Paul's, Rome [common]
- Romanus and Barula, martyrs [GTZ: southern France, Metz; PCP (Paris), without Barula]
- Rumpharius, bishop (of Coutances) [GTZ: Coutances]
- Severus, bishop (of Trier), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Trier]
- Stephen, protomartyr (Translation) [GTZ: Bourges, Sens]
- Theofrid, martyr (at Limoges) [GTZ: southern France]
November 19
- Elizabeth, widow, nun [common]
- Edmund, bishop (of Canterbury) [PCP (Paris)]
- Gelasius, pope, confessor (sometimes martyr) [GTZ: Paderborn, Liège, Trier, southern France]
- Hoarzonus, bishop (of Léon), confessor [GTZ: St. Pol de Léon]
- James, hermit [GTZ: Bourges]
- Maximus, priest, martyr [GTZ: Geneva]
- Odo, abbot (at Cluny), confessor [GTZ: Cluniacs]
- Patroclus, priest, confessor [GTZ: Clermont]
- Pontianus, pope, martyr [GTZ: Franciscans, Albi; PRI]
- Severinus, Exupery and Felicianus, martyrs [GTZ: Vienne]
- Simplicius, bishop (of Verona), confessor [GTZ: Metz]
- Quintian, bishop (of Auvergne) [GTZ: Rodez]
November 20
- Apothemius, bishop (of Angers) [GTZ: Angers]
- Bernward, bishop (of Hildesheim), (deposition alse he starff) [GTZ]
- Columban, abbot, confessor [GTZ: more commonly on Nov 21; PCP (Paris)]
- Corbinianus, bishop, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Freising]
- Edmund, king, martyr [GTZ: Scandinavia, England, Rouen, Paris; PRI: England]
- Hippolytus, bishop (of Belley) [GTZ: Besançon]
- Maxentia (of Ireland), virgin, martyr [GTZ: Reims]
- Pontianus, pope, martyr [GTZ: Aix, Narbonne]
- Quarletus and Luxorius, confessors [GTZ: Amiens]
- Regenfledis, abbess, virgin [GTZ: Cologne]
- Silvester, bishop (of Chalon-sur-Saône) [GTZ: Chalon-sur-Saône]
November 21
- Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Columban, abbot, confessor [common]
- Justus [PCP (Paris)]
- Maurice, abbot [HCC]
- Maurus, martyr [GTZ: Aquileia, Tournai]
- Oda, virgin [GTZ: Senlis]
- Pragmatius, bishop (of Autun), confessor [GTZ: Autun]
- Rufus, bishop (of Avignon), confessor [GTZ: Carcassonne]
November 22
- Cecilia, virgin, martyr [common; 6082, in red]
November 23
- Clement (I), pope, martyr [common; PCP (Paris), WTS (Bruges), 6082, in red]
- Clement, bishop (of Metz), confessor [GTZ: Metz]
- Columban, abbot, confessor [common]
- Felicity, martyr [GTZ; PCP (Paris)]
- Sarius, priest (at Cambrai) [GTZ: Cambrai]
- Trudo, priest, confessor [GTZ: Liège, Cambrai]
November 24
- Crisogonus, martyr [common]
- Eleutherius, martyr [GTZ: Kammin, Magdeburg]
- Portianus, abbot [GTZ: Clermont]
- Romanus, priest, confessor [GTZ: Bordeaux]
- Severinus, monk [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Thebaides, martyr (Commemoration) [GTZ: Cologne]
November 25
- Audentius, confessor [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Catherine, virgin, martyr [common; HCC, PCP (Paris), WTS (Bruges), in red]
- Livarius, bishop (of Metz), martyr [GTZ: Metz]
- Mercurius, martyr [6082, in red]
- Peter, bishop (of Alex.), martyr [GTZ: France, one or more religious orders]
November 26
- Amator, bishop (of Autun) [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Basolus, priest, confessor [GTZ: Reims]
- Conrad, bishop (of Constance), confessor [common]
- Dalphina (wife of Elzearus) [GTZ: Apt]
- Genovieve, virgin (Miracle of the "Mal des ardents") [GTZ: Paris; (PCP (Paris)]
- Justus, martyr [GTZ: Limoges]
- Linus, pope, martyr [common]
- Marcellus [PCP (Paris)]
- Mercurius, martyr [GTZ: Mainz]
- Peter (of Alexandria), bishop, martyr [PRI; 6082, in red]
- Sabaudus, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Siricius, pope, confessor [GTZ: Augsburg]
November 27
- Acharius, bishop (of Noyon) [GTZ: Noyon]
- Agricola and Vitalis, martyrs [GTZ; PCP (Paris)]
- Bilhildis, abbess [GTZ: Mainz]
- Eusicius, priest, confessor [GTZ: Bourges]
- Martin, pope, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Maximus, bishop (of Reji), confessor [GTZ: Lausanne, France]
- Mercurius, martyr [GTZ: Würzburg]
- Oda, virgin [GTZ: Liège]
- Optatus, bishop [GTZ: Trier]
- Sifredus, bishop (of Carpentras), confessor [GTZ: southern France]
- Virgilius, bishop (of Salzburg), confessor [GTZ: Salzburg]
- Vitalis (and Agricola), martyrs [common]
November 28
- Caesarius, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Landelinus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Paderborn]
- Rufus, martyr [GTZ: northern France; PCP (Paris)]
- Silas, apostle [GTZ: Metz, Sitten, southern France]
- Vigilius, bishop (of Auxerre) (Translation) [GTZ: Auxerre]
November 29
- Andrew (Vigil) [common]
- Radbod, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Utrecht]
- Saturninus (Chrysanthus, Maurus and Daria), martyrs (sometimes only confessors) [common]
- Saturninus and Sisinnius, martyrs [GTZ: Scotland, England; 6082]
- Saturninus, bishop (of Toulouse), martyr [GTZ: France; PCP (Paris), as Sernin]
November 30
- Andrew, apostle [common]
- Trojanus, bishop (of Saintes) [GTZ: Saintes]
- Tugdual, bishop (of Tréguier) [GTZ: Tréguier, St. Pol de Léon]
On to December, back to list of months, or return Home.