September 1
- Aegydius (Giles), abbot, confessor [common; PCP (Paris), WTS (Bruges), in red]
- Beatus, confessor [GTZ: Laon]
- Bossianus, confessor [GTZ: Laon]
- Firminus (II), bishop (of Amiens), confessor [GTZ: Amiens only]
- Giles, abbot [PRI]
- Lazarus, bishop (of Marseilles), martyr (sometimes confessor) [GTZ: Lyon]
- Lupus, bishop (of Sens), confessor [GTZ: Sens; PCP (Paris), in red]
- Nivardus, bishop (of Reims), confessor [GTZ: Reims]
- Priscus, martyr [common]
- Sixtus and Sinnicius, confessors [GTZ: northern Germany, Reims]
- Twelve Holy Brothers, martyrs [6082, in red]
- Verena, virgin [GTZ: southern Germany, Switzerland]
- Victurius, bishop (of LeMans) [GTZ: Chartres]
- Vincent, bishop (of Dax) and Laetus, priest, martyrs [GTZ: Dax, Oléron]
September 2
- Agnes, virgin, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Utrecht; HCC]
- Agricolus, bishop (of Avignon), confessor [GTZ: Avignon]
- Anicetus and Photinus, martyrs [GTZ: LeMans]
- Antoninus, martyr [GTZ; PCP (Paris)]
- Elpidius, bishop (of Lyon), confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
- Emericus, duke (Deposition) [GTZ: Hungary]
- Grimbald, priest, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Winchester]
- Justus, bishop (of Lyon), confessor [GTZ: Cologne, Trier, Geneva, Mainz, Lyon]
- Nonnosus, confessor [GTZ: Freising]
- Prisco [6082]
- Zeno, bishop, confessor [and son] [GTZ: Chur; 6082]
September 3
- Aigulf, abbot, and companions, martyrs [GTZ: France]
- Ambrose, bishop (of Sens) [GTZ: Sens]
- Chrodegang, bishop (of Séez), martyr [GTZ: Séez, Paris; PCP (Paris), as Godegrand]
- Lupus [PCP (Paris)]
- Mansuetus, bishop (of Toul), confessor (with Remacle) [GTZ: Mainz, Trier, France]
- Ragnobert, bishop (of Bayeux) (Translation) [GTZ: Bayeux]
- Remacle, bishop (of Maestricht), confessor [common]
- Seraphia, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Eichstädt, Narbonne, Tours]
- Sophia, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Minden, Verdun]
September 4
- Birinus, bishop, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Winchester]
- Boniface, pope, confessor [GTZ: Camaldoensians]
- Cagnoald, bishop (of Laon) [GTZ: Laon]
- Cuthbert, bishop (of Lindisfarne), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: England, Rouen, Scotland, Scandinavia]
- Eleutherius, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Erintrudis, virgin (Translation) [GTZ: Salzburg]
- Frodoald, bishop (of Mende), martyr [GTZ: Mende, Clermont]
- Marcellus (and Valerian), martyrs (at Chalon-sur-Saône) [GTZ: France, sometimes Germany; HCC; PCP (Paris)]
- Marinus, martyr [GTZ: San Marino]
- Maurus, bishop (of Verdun), confessor (Translation, of Maurus, Salvinus and Arator, bishops (of Verdun) [GTZ: Verdun]
September 5
- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [HCC, in red]
- Anianus, bishop (of Besançon) [GTZ: Besançon]
- Ansaricus, bishop (of Soissons), confessor [GTZ: Soissons]
- Bertin, abbot, confessor [GTZ: northern France, England, Norway; PCP (Paris)]
- Ferreolus and Ferrutius, martyrs (at Besançon) (Invention) [GTZ: southern France]
- Genebald, bishop (of Laon), confessor [GTZ: Laon]
- Herculianus and Victorinus, martyrs [GTZ: Bamberg, Paderborn]
- Hycinthus, martyr [GTZ: Worms]
- Innocentia, virgin [GTZ: Bordeaux]
- Sigismund, king, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Freising]
- Taurinus, bishop (of Evreux), confessor (Invention) [GTZ: Evreux]
- Victorinus, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Magdeburg, Münster, Prague, Ratzeburg, Narbonne, Paris, Senlis; PCP (Paris)]
September 6
- Amandus (Amantus), bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Augustine, apostle to England, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: England]
- Donatian, bishop, martyr [PCP (Paris)]
- Erkenbodo, bishop (of Thérouanne), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Thérouanne]
- Eugenius, bishop (of Carthage), confessor (sometimes martyr) [GTZ: Albi]
- Gundulf, bishop (of Metz) [GTZ: Metz, Toul]
- Humbert, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Cambrai]
- Magnus, abbot, confessor (sometimes martyr) [GTZ: mostly southern Germany; HCC]
- Onesiphorus, confessor [GTZ: Narbonne]
- Sanctianus, martyr [GTZ: Sens]
September 7
- Alpinus, bishop (of Châlons-sur-Marne) [GTZ]
- Carissima, virgin [GTZ: Albi]
- Chlodoald, priest, confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris), as Cloud]
- Dunstan, bishop (of Canturbury), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Canterbury]
- Evurtius, bishop (of Orléans), confessor [GTZ: Chur, Liège,
Metz, Utrecht, Worms, France, England; HCC; PCP (Paris), as Euverte]
- Gratus, bishop (of Aosta), confessor [GTZ: Lausanne]
- Gunzelinus, bishop (of Toul) [GTZ: Toul]
- Helena, queen [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Madelberta, virgin [GTZ: Gnesen, Cologne, Magdeburg, Ratzeburg]
- Memorius, martyr [GTZ: Troyes]
- Viventius, bishop (of Reims) [GTZ: Reims]
September 8
- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Adrian, bishop (of St. Andrews), martyr [common; GTZ: southern
Germany, France, zu Datierungen wenig verwendet, eigentl. Translation]
- Bertivin, martyr [GTZ: Lisieux]
- Corbinianus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Salzburg]
- Disibodus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Mainz]
September 9
- Anscharius, bishop (Translation (Elevation)) [GTZ: Bremen]
- Audomar, bishop (of Thérouanne), confessor [GTZ: Flanders]
- Gorgonius, Dorothy, and companions, martyrs [common; often without Dorothy]
- Kunegundis empress, virgin (Translation) [GTZ: Bamberg, Salzburg]
- Medard, bishop (of Noyon), confessor (Revelation) [GTZ: Dijon]
- Modwenna, virgin [GTZ: Winchester]
- Omer, bishop [PCP (Paris)]
- Veranus, bishop (of Vence), confessor [GTZ: Vence]
September 10
- Dagobert, (king), martyr [GTZ: Verdun]
- Ethelwold, bishop (of Winchester), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Winchester]
- Fridestan, bishop (Translation) [GTZ: Winchester]
- Nemecianus, Felix, Lucius, Jader, Davitus, Felix, and companions,
martyrs and confessors (in Numidia) [PCP (Paris), as Demettre]
- Nicholas (of Tolentino), priest, confessor [GTZ: Augustinians]
- Othger, confessor [GTZ: Utrecht; HCC]
- Protus and Hyacinthus, martyrs (sometimes only confessors) [WTS (Bruges)]
- Salvius, bishop (of Albi), confessor [GTZ: southern France]
- Theodard, bishop (of Maestricht), martyr [GTZ: Liège]
September 11
- Adelphius, abbot (at Remiremont) [GTZ: Toul]
- Alneus and Almirus, abbots [GTZ: LeMans]
- Bodo, bishop (of Toul) [GTZ: Toul]
- Emilianus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Uzès]
- Eugenia, virgin, martyr [6082]
- Felix and Regula, martyrs [GTZ: Switzerland, Magdeburg, Ratzeburg, Bamberg, Strassburg]
- Guido, confessor [WTS (Bruges)]
- Patiens, bishop (of Lyon), confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
- Peter, bishop (of Tarentaise), confessor [GTZ: Tarentaise]
- Protus and Hyacinthus, martyrs [common; 6082, in red]
- Regula, virgin [GTZ: Constance]
September 12
- Cyrus and Juventius, confessors (sometimes martyrs) [GTZ: Augsburg, Metz, France; PCP (Paris)]
- Hugo, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Maximinus, bishop (of Trier), confessor (Deposition) [GTZ: Trier]
- Reverentius, priest (at Bayeux), confessor [GTZ: Bayeux, Saintes, Tours]
- Sacerdos, bishop (of Lyon), confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
- Seven Sleepers, martyrs [GTZ: Regensburg]
September 13
- Amatus, bishop (of Sens), confessor [GTZ: Sens]
- Amatus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Metz, Toul]
- Anthony, bishop (of Carpentras) [GTZ: Arles]
- Aurelius, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Constance]
- Lidorius, bishop (of Tours) [GTZ: Tours]
- Maternus, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ]
- Maurilius, bishop (of Angers), confessor [GTZ: Teutonic Knights, France; PCP (Paris)]
- Maximus, bishop (of Reji), confessor (Invention) [GTZ: Thérouanne]
- Philip, bishop [WTS (Bruges)]
- Seven Sleepers, martyrs [GTZ: Aquileia, Salzburg, Passau]
- Venantius, abbot (of St. Martin of Tours) [PCP (Paris)]
September 14
- Exaltation of the Cross
- Cornelius and Cyprianus, martyrs (zu Daten selten verwendet) [GTZ: Lower Rhine; 6082; PCP (Paris)]
- Maternus, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier]
September 15
- Octave of the Nativity of Mary [PCP (Paris); WTS (Bruges)]
- Aichard, abbot [GTZ: Cambrai, Rouen]
- Albinus, bishop (of Lyon), confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
- Aper, bishop (of Toul) [GTZ: Strassburg, Metz, Châlons-sur-Marne, Toul]
- Leobinus, bishop (of Chartres) (Translation) [GTZ: Chartres]
- Nicomedes, martyr [common]
- Valerianus, martyr [GTZ: Macon]
September 16
- Cornelius, pope, and Cyprian, bishop (of Carthage), martyrs [common]
- Edith, virgin (at Winchester) [GTZ: England; PRI: England]
- Einbeta, Worbeta, Vilbeta, virgins [GTZ: Worms]
- Eufemia, virgin, martyr [common]
- Joachim, confessor [GTZ: Carmelites]
- Lucy and Geminianus, martyrs [PCP (Paris); 6082, in red]
- Ludmilla, martyr [GTZ: Prague]
- Mathurin [PCP (Paris)]
- Ninian, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Principius, bishop (of LeMans) [GTZ: LeMans]
September 17
- Floscellus, martyr [GTZ: Rouen]
- Francis, confessor (Impression of the stigmata) [GTZ: Franciscans]
- Justin, priest, martyr [GTZ: Autun]
- Lambert, bishop, martyr [common; HCC, in red]
- Liofard [PCP (Paris)]
- Omer [PCP (Paris)]
- Rodingus, confessor [GTZ: Verdun]
September 18
- Columbanus, confessor [HCC]
- Eutropius, martyr [GTZ: Verdun]
- Ferreolus, bishop (of Limoges), martyr [GTZ: Geneva, Trier, Worms]
- Ferreolus, martyr (at Vienne) [GTZ: France]
- Panthalin [PCP (Paris)]
- Richardis, empress, virgin [GTZ: Strassburg]
- Sinerius, bishop (of Avranches), confessor [GTZ: Avranches]
- Speosippus, Eleosippus, Meleosippus, martyrs (Invention) [GTZ: Langres]
- Trophimus, martyr (at Antioch) [GTZ: Trier]
September 19
- Arnulph, bishop (of Gap), confessor [GTZ: Gap]
- Columbanus, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Eufemia, Dorothy, Thecla and Erasma, virgins, martyrs (the Four Virgins) [GTZ: Aquileia]
- Eustochius, bishop (of Tours) [GTZ: Tours]
- Festus and Desiderius, martyrs [6082]
- Florentius and Janius and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Magdeburg, Kammin, Ratzeburg]
- Goericus, bishop (of Metz), confessor [GTZ: Metz, Toul, Verdun]
- Januarius, bishop, and companions, martyrs [common;
GTZ: Bremen, Gnesen (except Krakow), Magdeburg, Kammin, Trier, France]
- Lambert, bishop (of Freising) [GTZ: Freising]
- Marianus, monk, confessor [GTZ: Bourges]
- Maternus, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Liège]
- Miletus, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Sequanus, abbot (of Langres), confessor [GTZ: France, Cistercians; PCP (Paris), as Seine or Signe]
- Theodore, confessor [GTZ: Minden; PRI: England (as bishop of Canterbury)]
September 20
- Dionysius [HCC]
- Eustace, and companions, martyrs [GTZ: one or more religious orders]
- Fausta, virgin [GTZ: Mainz, Rodez]
- Matthew (Vigil) [common]
- Quiriacus, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier]
September 21
- Castor, bishop (of Apt), confessor [GTZ: Apt]
- Landelinus, martyr [GTZ: Strassburg]
- Laudus, bishop (of Coûtances), confessor [GTZ: Rouen, England, Scotland]
- Matthew, apostle, evangelist [common]
- Maura, virgin (at Troyes) [GTZ: Troyes]
September 22
- Emmeram, abbot (sometimes bishop), martyr [GTZ]
- Germanus, bishop (of Auxerre), confessor (sometimes also priest) (Translation) [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Lolanus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Lutrudis, virgin [GTZ: Hildesheim, Paderborn]
- Maurice, soldier (sometimes bishop), and companions, martyrs [common; HCC, 6082, in red]
- Serotinus, deacon, martyr [GTZ: Sens]
- Silvanus, confessor [GTZ: Bourges]
- Thebaides, martyr [GTZ]
September 23
- Adamnan (McRonan), abbot, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Digna and Merita, virgins [GTZ: Hildesheim]
- Florentius, confessor [GTZ: Arles]
- Linus, pope, martyr [GTZ: Augustinians, Franciscans; PRI]
- Paternus, bishop (of Avranches), confessor [GTZ: Avranches, Paris, Tours; PCP (Paris), as Pair]
- Thecla, virgin, martyr [common]
- Vincent (and Anastasius), martyrs (Translation) [GTZ: Besançon]
September 24
- Andochius and companions (Thyrsus and Felix), martyrs [GTZ: Lausanne, France; PCP (Paris)]
- Eustace [PCP (Paris)]
- Gaugericus, bishop (of Cambrai), confessor (sometimes martyr) (Elevation) [GTZ: Cambrai]
- Gerard, bishop (of Csanad), martyr [GTZ: Hungary]
- Geremar, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Reims]
- John the Baptist (Conception) [common]
- Kuniald (and Gislarius), priests [GTZ: Salzburg]
- Rupert, bishop (of Salzburg), confessor [GTZ: Speyer, Worms, Würzburg, Breslau, Salzburg (Translation)]
- Rusticus, bishop (of Auvergne), confessor [GTZ: Clermont]
- Solemnis, bishop (of Chartres) [GTZ: Chartres]
- Thecla, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Augsburg only]
September 25
- Aunacharius, bishop (of Auxerre), confessor [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Barr, bishop (of Cork), confessor [GTZ: England]
- Cleophas, disciple of Christ, martyr [GTZ: Teutonic Knights, southern France, Hungary]
- Fimbert, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Firminus, bishop (of Amiens), martyr (sometimes confessor) [
GTZ: northern France, England, Scotland, Trier, Paderborn, Worms,
Norway; PCP (Paris)]
- Hermenfrid, abbot [GTZ: Besançon]
- Lupus, bishop (of Lyon), confessor [GTZ: Lyon]
- Principius, bishop (of Soissons) [GTZ: Soissons]
- Sergius and Bacchus, martyrs [GTZ: Metz]
September 26
- Cyprian, martyr [common]
- Justina, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Halberstadt; PRI]
- Merodius, bishop, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Nilus (the younger), abbot, confessor [GTZ: Italy]
- Sinerius, bishop (of Avranches), confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris), as Senier]
- Virgilius, bishop (of Salzburg), confessor (Translation (als er gehaben worden ist)) [GTZ: Salzburg]
September 27
- Ceraunus, [arch]bishop (of Paris), [confessor] [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Cosmas and Damian, martyrs [common; 6082, in red]
- Elzearus, count (of Arian), (and Delphina), confessor [GTZ: Apt]
- Florentinus and Hilarius, martyrs (at Autun) [GTZ: Autun]
- Stanislas, bishop, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Gnesen]
- Terentius and Fidentius, martyrs [GTZ: Magdeburg]
September 28
- Alchas, bishop (of Toul) [GTZ: Toul]
- Allodius, bishop (of Auxerre) [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Annemund Delphinus, bishop (of Lyon), martyr [GTZ: Lyon]
- Convall, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Doda, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Auch]
- Exuperius, bishop (of Toulouse), confessor [GTZ: Meaux, Senlis, southern France]
- Machan, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Marcealis, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Mauritius (knight) and companions, martyrs (Advent (of his head)) [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Privus [PCP (Paris), as Presme]
- Terentius, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Paderborn]
- Wenceslas, king (of Bohemia), martyr [common]
September 29
- Baldus, confessor [GTZ: Sens]
- Fraternus, bishop (of Auxerre), martyr [GTZ: Auxerre]
- Lutwin, bishop (of Trier), confessor [GTZ: Trier]
- Michael, the archangel, and All Angels; Dedication of St. Michael's at Monte Gargano [common]
September 30
- Antoninus, bishop (of Meaux) [GTZ: Meaux]
- Geronimus, confessor [GTZ]
- Honorius, bishop (of Canterbury) [PRI: England]
- Jerome, priest, confessor, Doctor of the Church [common; 6082, in red]
- Laurus, priest [GTZ: St. Malo]
- Leopard, martyr [GTZ: Aachen]
- Leudomirus, bishop (of Châlons-sur-Marne) [GTZ: Châlons-sur-Marne]
- Otto, bishop (of Bamberg), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Bamberg]
- Relics of the Ste-Chapelle, Paris [PCP (Paris)]
- Sophia, martyr [6082]
- Trophimus, bishop (of Arles), martyr (sometimes only confessor) (Translation) [GTZ: Arles]
- Ursus and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Switzerland]
- Victor and Ursus, martyrs [GTZ: Switzerland, Constance, Magdeburg, Strassburg, Besançon]
On to October, back to list of months, or return Home.