Annunciation to the Shepherds, miniature from a French book of hours ( The Hague, KB, 74 F 1, fol. 71r), c. 1450.

Officium Beatae Mariae

Ad Tertiam

The Office of Our Blessed Lady

At Terce

[Ave Maria...]

[Hail Mary...]

V: Deus in adiutorium meum intende.

V: Incline unto my aid O God.

R: Domine ad adiuvandum me festina.

R: O Lord make haste to help me.

Gloria Patri, et Filio: et Spiritui sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper: et in saecula saeculorum, Amen. Alleluia.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost.
Even as it was in the beginning, and now, and ever: and world without end. Amen. Alleluia.

Memento salutis auctor.
Quod nostri quondam corporis,
Ex illibata virgine
Nascendo, formam sumpseris.
Maria mater gratiae,
Mater misericordiae,
Tu nos ab hoste protege,
Et hora mortis suscipe.
Gloria tibi Domine,
Qui natus es de virgine,
Cum patre, et sancto spiritu,
In sempiterna saecula. Amen.

Be mindful author of our health,
That thou sometime didst take on thee
Of a pure virgin being born,
The form of our humanity.
Mary that mother art of grace,
Of mercy mother also art,
Save and defend us from our foe,
Receive us when we hence depart.
Glory be unto thee O Lord,
That born was of the virgin pure,
With the father and the holy Ghost,
All ages ever to endure. Amen.

Ant: Quando natus es.

Ant: When as.

Psalmus [119]:
Ad Dominum cum tribularet, clamavi: et exaudivit me.
Domine libera animam meam a labiis iniquis: et a lingua dolosa.
Quid detur tibi, aut quid apponatur tibi: ad linguam dolosam?
Sagittae potentis acutae: cum carbonibus desolatoriis.
Heu mihi, quia incolatus meus prolongatus est, habitavi cum habitationibus Cedar: multum incola fuit anima mea.
Cum his, qui oderant pacem, eram pacificus: cum loquebar illis, inpugnabant me gratis.

Psalm [119]:
When I was in tribulation I cried to our Lord: and he heard me.
O Lord deliver my soul from unjust lips: and from a deceitful tongue.
What may be given to thee, or what may be added unto thee: to a deceitful tongue?
The sharp arrows of the mighty: with coals of desolation.
Woe is unto me, that my sojourning is prolonged, I have dwelt with the inhabitants of Cedar: my soul hath been much a sojourner.
With them, that hated peace, I was peaceable: when I spake to them, they impugned me without cause.

Gloria Patri, et Filio: et Spiritui sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper: et in saecula saeculorum, Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost.
Even as it was in the beginning, and now, and ever: and world without end. Amen.

Psalmus [120]:
Levavi oculos meos in montes: unde veniet auxilium mihi.
Auxilium meum a Domino: qui fecit caelum et terram.
Non det in commotionem pedem tuum: neque dormitet, qui custodit te.
Ecce non dormitabit: neque dormiet, qui custodit Israel.
Dominus custodit te, Dominus protectio tua: super manum dexteram tuam.
Per diem sol non uret te: neque luna per noctem.
Dominus custodit te ab omni malo: custodiat animam tuam Dominus.
Dominus custodiat introitum tuum, et exitum tuum: ex hoc nunc, et usque in saeculum.

Psalm [120]:
I have lifted up mine eyes unto the mountains: from whence help shall come to me.
My help is from our Lord: which made heaven and earth.
Let him not give thy foot to be moved: neither let him slumber that keepeth thee.
Lo he shall not slumber: nor sleep, that keepeth Israel.
Our Lord keepeth thee, our Lord is thy protection: upon thy right hand.
By day the sun shall not burn thee: nor the moon by night.
Our Lord doth keep thee from all evil: let our Lord keep thy soul.
Let our Lord keep thy coming in, and thy going out: from henceforth, now and for ever.

Gloria Patri, et Filio: et Spiritui sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper: et in saecula saeculorum, Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost.
Even as it was in the beginning, and now, and ever: and world without end. Amen.

Psalmus [121]:
Laetatus sum in his, quae dicta sunt mihi: in domum Domini ibimus.
Stantes erant pedes nostri: in atriis tuis Hierusalem.
Hierusalem quae aedificatur ut civitas: cuius participatio eius in idipsum.
Illuc enim ascenderunt tribus, tribus Domini, testimonium Israel: ad confitendum nomini Domini.
Quia illic sederunt sedes in iudicio: sedes super domum David.
Rogate quae ad pacem sunt Hierusalem: et abundantia diligentibus te.
Fiat pax in virtute tua: et abundantia in turribus tuis.
Propter fratres meos, et proximos meos: loquebar pacem de te.
Propter domum Domini Dei nostri: quaesivi bona tibi.

Psalm [121]:
I rejoiced in those things, which were said to me: we shall go into the house of our Lord.
Our feet were standing: in thy courts O Jerusalem.
Jerusalem which is built as a city: whose participation therefore is in itself.
For thither did the tribes ascend, the tribes of our Lord, the testimony of Israel: to confess unto the name of our Lord.
Because seats sat there in judgment: seats upon the house of David.
Ask ye the things that are for the peace of Jerusalem: and abundance to them that love thee.
Peace be made in thy strength: and abundance in thy towers.
For my brethren, and my neighbours' sakes: I spake peace of thee.
For the house of the Lord our God: I have sought good things to thee.

Gloria Patri, et Filio: et Spiritui sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper: et in saecula saeculorum, Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost.
Even as it was in the beginning, and now, and ever: and world without end. Amen.

Ant: Quando natus es ineffabiliter ex virgine, tunc impletae sunt Scripturae: sicut pluvia in vellus descendisti, ut salvum faceres genus humanum: te laudamus Deus noster.

Ant: When as unspeakably thou wast born of the virgin, then were the scriptures fulfilled, thou didst descend like rain into the fleece: that thou mightest save mankind: we praise thee our God.

Capitulum (Ecclesiasticus 24):
Et sic in Sion firmata sum, et in civitate sanctificata similiter requievi, et in Hierusalem potestas mea.

Chapter (Ecclesiasticus 24):
And so in Sion was I established, and in the sanctified city likewise I rested, and my power was in Jerusalem.

R: Deo gratias.

R: Thanks be to God.

V: Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis.

V: Grace is poured out in thy lips.

R: Propterea benedixit te Deus in aeternum. Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison.

R: Therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon us.

V: Domine exaudi orationem meam.

V: O Lord graciously hear my prayer.

R: Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

R: And let my cry come unto thee.

Deus, qui salutis aeternae beatae Mariae virginitate fecunda, humano generi praemia praestitisti: tribue quaesumus, ut ipsam pro nobis intercedere sentiamus, per quam meruimus auctorem vitae suscipere Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium tuum. Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum.

O God, which by the fruitful virginity of the blessed virgin Mary, hast given unto mankind the rewards of eternal salvation: Grant we beseech thee, that we may perceive her to make intercession for us, by whom we have deserved to receive the author of life, our Lord Jesus Christ thy son. Who liveth and reigneth, God, with thee, in the unity of the holy Ghost, world without end.

R: Amen.

R: Amen.

V: Domine exaudi orationem meam.

V: O Lord graciously hear my prayer.

R: Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

R: And let my cry come unto thee.

V: Benedicamus Domino.

V: Bless we our Lord.

R: Deo gratias.

R: Thanks be to God.

V: Fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace.

V: The souls of the faithful by the mercy of God rest in peace.

R: Amen.

R: Amen.

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