My virtual worlds projects are essentially 3D collage artworks. They are textured with images drawn from many sources, cut and pasted together to produce a new, original artwork. I do my best to use public domain or freely offered images for my textures, and to credit the sources when it seems necessary to do so. This page lists the credits that image providers have required me to post. If you think that one of the textures I've used is your property, and has been used in a way that is not permitted by U.S. copyright law, please provide proof of your claim, and I will deal with it in the appropriate manner. I do not wish to violate any legitimate copyright claim.
Virtual Byzantine Church [no longer accessible]:
The texture used for the curtains was kindly provided by Krista West of Krista West Vestments. It is used with permission.
Virtual Roman Forum [no longer accessible}:
The texture used for the pavement was created by Shawn Johnson (Whystler). It is used with permission.
Forum Baths, Pompeii [no longer accessible]:
The texture used for view out to the street was created by Shawn Johnson (Whystler). It is used with permission.
Virtual Roman Basilica:
The plan and elevation of this basilica are modelled closely on K. Ohr's reconstruction of the basilica of Pompeii. See K. Ohr, Die Basilika in Pompeji (Berlin, 1991).
The equestrian state is a modified, decimated version of the model of the statue of Marcus Nonius Balbus by Scan the World from
Virtual Egyptian Temple [no longer accessible]:
The flags use a shader written by Seon.
Tomb of Nakht:
The images on the walls are extensively edited derivatives of the images in The Tomb of Nakht: The Art and History of an Eighteenth Dynastie [sic] Offical's Tomb at Western Thebes (Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1996).
Roman ceiling frescoes in various worlds:
Watercolor copies of ceiling frescoes in the Domus Aurea, by Benna Smuglewicz. Public domain images found Wikimedia Commons.
Dura Europos Baptistery:
All images provided by the (Yale University Art Gallery.
Brescia Casket:
All images from Wikipedia (Brescia Casket), used in accordance with Creative Commons License.