This model presents a hypothetical reconstruction of the bronze original of the so-called "Doryphoros" by the Greek sculptor Polykleitos. The basis of the reconstruction is the "Doryphoros" found at Pompeii and now in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Naples ( The mesh of the 3D model is adapted from the one provided by the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen as part of the "Scan the World Project." That mesh is available at The Naples "Doryphoros" includes a tree trunk and struts required to support a statue made of marble. I have removed those features to give a better idea of the appearance of the presumed bronze original. I have also added a long spear in the left hand, in keeping with reconstructions that assume the Naples statue is a copy of the Doryphoros. The exact length of that spear, the position of the hand on the shaft, and the color of the bronze are all conjectural.