January 1
- Octave of the Nativity of Christ
- Circumcision of Christ
- Almachius, martyr [common]
- Basil (the Great), bishop (of Caesarea), confessor [GTZ: Trent, Arles; 6082]
- Clarus, abbot (at Vienne), confessor [GTZ: Vienne]
- Eugendus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Geneva, Sitten, Lyon]
- Martina, virgin, martyr [GTZ: one or more religious orders]
January 2
- Aspasius, bishop, confessor (at Melun) [GTZ: Sens]
- Clarus, abbot (at Vienne), confessor [GTZ: Geneva, Embrun, Lyon]
- Odilo, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Cluniacs]
- Stephen, protomartyr (Octave) [common]
January 3
- Genevieve, virgin [GTZ: France; PCP (Paris), in red]
- John, apostle, evangelist (Octave) [common]
January 4
- Ferreolus, bishop (of Uz s), confessor [GTZ: Uz s]
- Gregory, bishop (of Langres) [GTZ: Langres]
- Holy Innocents, martyrs (Octave) [common]
- Rigobert, bishop (of Reims), confessor [GTZ: Reims]
January 5
- Vigil of Epiphany
- Edward, king, confessor [GTZ: England]
- Severinus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Passau]
- Simeon Stylites, monk, confessor [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Thomas, bishop (Octave) [WTS (Bruges)]
January 6
- Epiphany
- Macra, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Paris, Soissons]
January 7
- Aldric, bishop (of LeMans), confessor [GTZ: LeMans]
- Frambaldus, monk (at Micy) (Translation) [PCP (Paris)]
- Isidore, martyr [HCC; WTS (Bruges)]
- Isidore, bishop (of Seville), confessor [GTZ: Paderborn]
- Kanute, duke (of Sleswig), martyr [GTZ: Sleswig, Scandinavia, Finnland (as king)]
- Kentigerna, widow [GTZ: Scotland]
- Palladius, bishop (of Embrun) [GTZ: Embrun]
- Pelagius, bishop (of Embrun) [GTZ: Embrun]
- Reinold, martyr [GTZ: Cologne]
- Sanctinus, bishop (of Senlis) [GTZ: Senlis]
- Tillo, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Limoges]
- Valentine, bishop (of Passau), confessor [GTZ: Salzburg]
- Vitalis, abbot (of Savigny) [common]
January 8
- Erhard, bishop (of Regensburg), confessor [GTZ]
- Eugene, bishop, martyr [HCC]
- Frodobert, abbot (at Troyes) [GTZ: Troyes (Translation)]
- Gudula, virgin [GTZ: Li ge]
- Lucian, priest, martyr (with Maximus and Julian) [GTZ; PCP (Paris)]
- Natalanus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Patiens, bishop (of Metz) [GTZ: Metz]
- Rigobert, bishop (of Reims), confessor [GTZ: Paris, Tours; PCP (Paris)]
- Severinus, bishop (of Septempeda), confessor [common; 6082, in red]
- William, bishop (of York), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: York]
January 9
- Foelanus, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Jodocus, priest, confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Winchester]
- Julian and Basilissa, virgins, martyrs [GTZ: Passau, France; HCC, without Basilissa]
- Lucianus, bishop (of Beauvais), martyr [PCP (Paris)]
- Marciana, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Trier]
- Paschasia, virgin, martyr [GTZ: Dijon]
January 10
- Paul, the first hermit, confessor [common]
- Petronius, bishop (of St. Di ), confessor [GTZ: Vienne]
- Polieuctus, martyr [GTZ: Metz]
- Valeric, hermit [GTZ: Limoges]
- William, bishop (of Bourges), confessor [GTZ: Cistercians, France; PCP (Paris)]
January 11
- Brettiva, virgin (at Brict.) [GTZ: Norway]
- Hyginius, pope, martyr [GTZ: one or more religious orders; PRI]
- Paulinus, bishop (of Aquileia), confessor [GTZ: Aquileia]
- Quintinus, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Three Kings (Death) [GTZ: Cologne]
- William, bishop (of Bourges) [PCP (Paris)]
January 12
- Benedict (Biscop), abbot (of Wearmouth), confessor [GTZ: Durham; PRI: England]
- Ciriacus and Zoticus, martyrs [WTS (Bruges)]
- John, pope [HCC]
- Hilary, bishop (of Poitiers) [PCP (Paris)]
- Remigius [PCP (Paris)]
- Satyrus, martyr [GTZ: Lebus]
January 13
- Octave of Epiphany
- Agricius, bishop (of Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
- Firminus, bishop (of Amiens), martyr (sometimes confessor) (Invention) [GTZ: Amiens]
- Hilary, bishop (of Poitiers), confessor, Doctor of the Church [common]
- Kentigern (Mungho), bishop (of Glasgow), confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Remigius, bishop (of Reims), confessor (Transitus) Trier, Reims [GTZ]
January 14
- Felix (of Nola), priest (sometimes bishop), confessor (sometimes martyr) [common; 6082, as two saints Felix, both in red]
- Hilary, bishop [PRI]
- Pontianus, martyr [GTZ: Utrecht; HCC, in red]
January 15
- Bonitus, bishop (of Auvergne), confessor [GTZ: southern France, Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Isidore, priest, hermit [common]
- Isidore, bishop (of Seville), confessor [GTZ: Sitten, Arles]
- John Calybites, confessor, [GTZ: Besan on]
- Macarius, abbot, confessor [GTZ: Li ge, Sens]
- Maurilius, bishop (of Angers), confessor (Translation) [GTZ: Angers]
- Maurus, abbot, confessor [common; GTZ: Freising, Constance (with Macarius); PCP (Paris), 6082, in red]
- Paul, the first hermit, confessor [GTZ: modern usage; PRI]
- Remedius, hermit, confessor [GTZ: Trent]
- Tarsitia, virgin [GTZ: Rodez]
January 16
- Dacian and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Bamberg]
- Five Friars Minor (Berardus, Peter, Accursius, Adjutus and Otto), martyrs [GTZ: Franciscans]
- Furseus, bishop (sometimes abbot), confessor [GTZ: Cambrai, Paris, Noyon; PCP (Paris)]
- Honoratus, bishop (of Arles), confessor [GTZ: southern France]
- James, bishop (of Tarentaise) [GTZ: Tarentaise]
- Marcellus, pope (sometimes only bishop), martyr (sometimes confessor) [common; 6082, in red]
- Tatian and companions, martyrs [GTZ: Bamberg]
January 17
- Anthony, abbot, hermit, confessor [common; 6082, in red]
- Genulf, bishop (of Cahors), confessor [GTZ: Albi, Bourges]
- Speosippus, Eleosippus, and Meleosippus, martyrs [GTZ; PCP (Paris)]
- Sulpicius (Severus), bishop (of Bourges), confessor [GTZ: Metz, Paderborn, Strassburg, France; PCP (Paris)]
January 18
- St. Peter's Chair at Rome [PRI]
- Deicolus, abbot [GTZ: Besan on]
- Leobard, recluse [GTZ: Tours]
- Prisca, virgin, martyr [common]
- Venerandus, bishop (of Auvergne) [GTZ: Clermont]
- Volusianus, bishop (of Tours), martyr [GTZ: southern France]
January 19
- Bassianus, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Apt]
- Branvalator, confessor [GTZ: Winchester]
- Desiderius, bishop (of Langres), martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Langres]
- Henry, bishop (of Uppsala), martyr [GTZ: Scandinavia]
- Launomar, priest (at Chartres), abbot [GTZ: northern France; PCP (Paris)]
- Marius, Martha, and sons (Audifax and Abachum), martyrs [common]
- Patroclus, martyr [GTZ: Troyes]
- Pontianus, martyr [GTZ: Magdeburg, Ratzeburg]
- Wulstan, bishop (of Worcester), confessor [GTZ: England; PRI: England]
January 20
- Contestus, bishop (of Bayeux) [GTZ: Bayeux]
- Fabian, pope, and Sebastian, martyrs [common; PCP (Paris), in red; 6082, Sebastian in red]
- Henry, bishop (of Uppsala), martyr [GTZ: Abo only]
- Mary and Martha [6082]
January 21
- Agnes, virgin, martyr [common; HCC, 6082, in red]
- Fructuosus, bishop (of Tarragona), and companions (Augurius and Eulogius), martyrs [GTZ: Spain, Narbonne]
- Meginrad, hermit, martyr [GTZ: Constance, Chur]
- Patroclus, martyr [GTZ: Cologne]
- Winnin, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
January 22
- Anastasius, martyr [common; GTZ: Speyer]
- Dominic (of Sora), abbot [6082]
- Epiphanius, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Hildesheim]
- Ulphus, martyr [GTZ: Troyes]
- Urban, pope (sometimes only bishop), martyr (sometimes only confessor) (Translation) [GTZ: Magdeburg]
- Vincent, deacon, martyr [common; PCP (Paris), 6082, in red]
- Vincent, Orontius and Victor, martyrs [GTZ: southern France]
January 23
- Agilus, abbot [GTZ: Sens]
- Bernard, bishop (of Vienne), confessor [GTZ: Lausanne, southern France]
- Emerentiana, virgin, martyr [common]
- Macarius, martyr (sometimes confessor) [GTZ]
- Maimbod, martyr [GTZ: Besan on]
- Urban, bishop (of Langres), confessor [GTZ: Langres]
January 24
- Artemius, bishop (of Auvergne), confessor [GTZ: Clermont]
- Autbert, bishop (of Cambrai), confessor (Elevation) [GTZ: Cambrai]
- Babylas, bishop (of Antioch), martyr [GTZ: England, France, Norway; PCP (Paris), as Basille]
- Eric, king, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Scandinavia]
- Macharius, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Sabinianus, martyr (at Troyes) [GTZ: Troyes]
- Timothy, apostle, martyr [common]
January 25
- Amarinus, martyr [GTZ: Basel]
- Paul, apostle (Conversion) [common]
- Prejectus, bishop (of Clermont), martyr [GTZ; PCP (Paris), as Priest]
January 26
- Julian, bishop (of LeMans) [PCP (Paris)]
- Marus, bishop (of Trier) [GTZ: Trier]
- Paula, widow [GTZ: Sens]
- Polycarp, bishop (of Smyrna), martyr [common]
January 27
- John Chrysostom, bishop (of Constantinople), Doctor of the Church [common]
- Julian, bishop (of LeMans), confessor (sometimes martyr) [GTZ:
Geneva, Paderborn, France, England, Scotland, Scandinavia, one or more
religious orders; PCP (Paris)]
- Lupus, bishop (of Chalon-sur-Sa ne) [GTZ: Chalon-sur-Sa ne]
- Marius, abbot, confessor [GTZ: southern France]
- Paula, widow [GTZ: Hereford]
January 28
- Agnes, virgin, martyr (Octave) [common]
- Charlemagne, emperor [GTZ]
- John, abbot (at R ome) [GTZ: Langres, Limoges]
- John Elemosynarius, confessor [GTZ: Cluniacs]
- Julian, bishop (of LeMans), confessor (sometimes martyr) [GTZ: Teutonic Knights]
- Maura, virgin (at Tours) [GTZ: Tours]
- Racho, bishop (of Autun), confessor [GTZ: Autun]
- Thomas Aquinas, priest, confessor, Doctor of the Church [GTZ: Dominicans (Translation)]
January 29
- Anastasia, widow, martyr [GTZ: Augsburg]
- Bathildis, queen [PCP (Paris), as Baudent]
- Constantius, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Magdeburg, Ratzeburg]
- Gildas (the Wise), abbot (in Brittany), confessor [GTZ: Poitiers, Tours]
- Julian, bishop (of LeMans), confessor (sometimes martyr) [GTZ: Cistercians]
- Julian, the Hospitaler [GTZ: Aquileia]
- Paula, widow [GTZ: Paris; PCP (Paris)]
- Sabina, virgin (at Troyes), martyr [GTZ: Troyes]
- Serena, virgin [GTZ: Metz, Toul]
- Sulpicius Severus, bishop (of Bourges) [GTZ: Bourges, Tours]
- Valerius, bishop (of Trier), confessor [common]
- Voloc, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
January 30
- Adelgundis, virgin, abbess (at Mauberge) [common]
- Anatolius, bishop (of Salinis), confessor [GTZ: Langres]
- Anne, mother of Mary (Translation) [GTZ: Rouen]
- Bathildis, queen (of France) [GTZ: France, England; PCP (Paris)]
- Flavian, martyr [GTZ: Ch lons-sur-Marne]
- Glascian, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Matthew, bishop (of Jerusalem), confessor [GTZ: Teutonic Knights, Carmelites]
- Polycarp, martyr [PCP (Paris)]
January 31
- Cyrus and John, martyrs [GTZ: one or more religious orders]
- Felix, Fortunatus and Achilleus, martyrs (at Valence) (Translation) [GTZ: Valence]
- Gaudus, bishop (of Evreux) [GTZ: Evreux]
- Geminianus, bishop (of Modena), confessor [GTZ: Mainz]
- Hyacinthus, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Ignatius, bishop, martyr [GTZ: Gnesen, Utrecht; HCC]
- Julius, priest, confessor [GTZ: Magdeburg, Brandenburg, Havelburg, Ratzeburg; Chur, Sitten (with Julian)]
- Mark, evangelist, martyr (Translation) [GTZ: Venice, Dominicans]
- Metrannus, martyr [GTZ: northern France; PCP (Paris)]
- Modoc, bishop, confessor [GTZ: Scotland]
- Patroclus, martyr [GTZ: Soissons]
- Protus, martyr [WTS (Bruges)]
- Sabina, virgin (at Troyes), martyr [GTZ: Toul]
- Thyrsus and Victor, martyrs [GTZ: Basel, northern France]
- Torquatus, bishop (of Saint-Paul-Trois-Ch teaux) [GTZ: Arles]
- Ulphia, virgin, hermit [GTZ: Amiens]
- Veronus, confessor (Invention) [GTZ: Mons]
- Vigilius, bishop (of Trent), martyr [GTZ: Passau, Strassburg, Trier, Trent (Translation)]
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